Wednesday, January 31, 2007
...But I Won't Do That
Nothing to really report in the running news because it isn't Mike's 14 mile runs or Lucas' 14 x 1 mile at 5k race pace with 18 second recovery workouts. The knee is still hanging around and I am trying to go easy on it. The nagging is most notable around the house, which I find strange because I would think that just walking around couldn't hurt the joint. Oh well, I was so thrilled that it held up through Sunday's race that I'll go ahead and spot it through tonight -- but tomorrow, it's back to business, pal.
To answer a couple comments: I wasn't in the matching Dragons attire on Sunday and this was because my Running Shop jersey was in a Dragons layout over the weekend and I didn't want to mess with my project. I know it sounds gay but, sadly, working on getting the logo figured and put on the uniform isn't one of my highest priorities these days so I never want to be taking steps back in my progress. Besides, at the Trot I got some underarm chaffing from my jersey and while it might have been an isolated incident, I didn't want to take that risk at a 10k.
As far as the Grand Prix goes, opening rankings have been released and I am sitting in a comfortable 3rd place in the 20-29 groupings. However, this ranking should really be asterisked. On Sunday, I was the 7th finisher in this age bracket (without the racing efforts of Dan Maher (25 or so) or last year's AG Champ and fellow Dragon, J). Also, while the official ranking has me in third, this is because Lucas is holding in the top 3 (along with Mike). So really, we're probably talking, potentially, an optimistic 10th in the Southern Arizona area.

Maybe if I were over 70.
Anyways, while I can work with this 10k starting point for 2007, I am a little concerned that this Valentine's Day (Give or Take) 5 miler is only a week and a half away. Like all real men, I thought it was way off in the distance, but instead, the 'holiday' has come up and blindsided me, kicked me in the crotch, and ruined an otherwise good month.
That being said, I think I will pretty much just 'train through' this upcoming race. While it also is for SAR points, I was much more concerned about having a non-Chernobyl performance at the Sun Run since I hadn't really had a decent showing since last March or so. This lead me to do a little taper (and knee checking) prior to race day. For Vday, I'm not going to worry too much about it. More important things are coming up and I need to focus on putting together and hitting worthwhile workout sessions at this point. I'm still going to race hard, but I will probably just tweak my 10k strategy and take it out in 5:50 and then reevaluate at 3 miles.
So that's the deal for now.
Grand Prix Standings -- Fine Vday 5 Miler -- Fine 2006 Results
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Sun Run Postfactum
Michael Wollar of Vernon Hills, Illinois--a dear ex-teammate and denizen of the LFC
theater community (which I think just might be the best thing the joint has going for it)--once consoled me after the worst race of my life with these words:
"Sometimes you have to set a new low."
Yes, after I bombed the shit out of the something-or-other invite in Anytown, Wisconsin with its grueling patch of goose crap, Mike dropped that pearl of wisdom on me, and then LFCXC team manager Brady Lowdermilk came up to me on the bus and quoted the main character of some forgotten coming-of-age-via-an-epic-worrisome-party movie to the effect that "sometimes, you just gotta say 'fuck it.'"
Both maxims operated in full flourish on Sunday in the aftermath of what I mark as my slowest 5K ever with the possible exception of my first XC race at Mehl Park (during which I probably decided I'd quit running). This time I had a lot less to lose because I knew I was in sorry shape, and, in fact, was kinda proud of it. I'm going to milk this middle finger to fitness fascism for as long as it seems advantageous.
But before you pooh pooh the performance of Jerwillickers McSwizzlesticks, it should be noted that he handily put down BOTH ACETTA AND WENNEBORG. Check the results--it's plain as day. Defeating both Acetta and Wenneborg in the same race is quite a feat for a Tucson road runner--especially for one who is a 23 year old male who has not recently given birth.
Also, unlike Abe Froman in 2006, he did not get outkicked by a guy with a name straight out of Laguna Beach. Obviously, names are crucial. All in all, it was a fine day, and I slept easier knowing that I tossed 20 bucks into the tip jar of Pima CC XC and even got a very wearable t-shirt for it.
theater community (which I think just might be the best thing the joint has going for it)--once consoled me after the worst race of my life with these words:
"Sometimes you have to set a new low."
Yes, after I bombed the shit out of the something-or-other invite in Anytown, Wisconsin with its grueling patch of goose crap, Mike dropped that pearl of wisdom on me, and then LFCXC team manager Brady Lowdermilk came up to me on the bus and quoted the main character of some forgotten coming-of-age-via-an-epic-worrisome-party movie to the effect that "sometimes, you just gotta say 'fuck it.'"
Both maxims operated in full flourish on Sunday in the aftermath of what I mark as my slowest 5K ever with the possible exception of my first XC race at Mehl Park (during which I probably decided I'd quit running). This time I had a lot less to lose because I knew I was in sorry shape, and, in fact, was kinda proud of it. I'm going to milk this middle finger to fitness fascism for as long as it seems advantageous.
But before you pooh pooh the performance of Jerwillickers McSwizzlesticks, it should be noted that he handily put down BOTH ACETTA AND WENNEBORG. Check the results--it's plain as day. Defeating both Acetta and Wenneborg in the same race is quite a feat for a Tucson road runner--especially for one who is a 23 year old male who has not recently given birth.
Also, unlike Abe Froman in 2006, he did not get outkicked by a guy with a name straight out of Laguna Beach. Obviously, names are crucial. All in all, it was a fine day, and I slept easier knowing that I tossed 20 bucks into the tip jar of Pima CC XC and even got a very wearable t-shirt for it.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunshine and Clouds

You gotta stick with the Sun theme.
While last year's 5k was all about aggressive tactics and representing something bigger than myself --this year was just a friendly and lyricless instrumental interlude between two of the more recognizable tracks.
This morning, Train and I left the 821 at about quarter to 8. Arriving at Reid Park, we picked up our race numbers and event tee-shirts (if you want to be sure you won't be getting some gay shirt design, run the Sun Run) before running in to Lucas. Train had to go back to the house to grab an inhaler or something so Lucas and I did a lap together.
Even with the brisk January air, I was still very tired. I got a memory-foam dealie for my birthday and last night was it's premier. Honestly, I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning.
When the RD called everyone to the line, I jogged over and took my spot in the 3rd row. I figured there was no need to be in the front -- but I learned an important lesson on Thanksgiving about being too modest when lining up. Looking around, I saw Lucas and Mike lining up near Running Shop Group Run regulars Shane and Paula. Near them was Vince Valenzuela and some Pima/Sunnyside guys. Also in the 10k race would be Mike Urbanski and 2006 Oracle 10k champion, (and seemingly nice guy), Bill Cuculic. In the 5k would be Train, Pima's Emily Edgar, and Benito Gonzales.
The gun went off and as we turned on to Country Club, I felt like I was comfortably on pace -- but looking ahead, it really seemed like I was further back from the lead group than I should have been. Regardless, I held where I was and was pleased with my decision when I came through the first mile in 5:55. About a quarter mile later, the packs began splitting onto the 5k and 10k routes and I must say that, to me, there was a frightening number of runners staying on the 10k course.
After getting on the bike path, I passed some dude in front of me and thought I was closing on some chick in front of me. I wasn't far back from her as I hit the second mile in 12:02. I spent most of Alvernon trying to move up (to at least have someone to run with/wink at) but was really beginning to feel the pace when I came through 3 miles in 18:21. I had fallen off to a 6:19 and I could tell my breathing was labored. I was losing the two people in front of me and even got passed by some dude. I tried to respond by going with him but, even though I was matching his turnover, my stride must have been shortened as he slowly drifted further from me. The 4th mile was 6:06 (I was done fiddling with the clock at this point) and just tried to focus on not totally breaking down.
I hit the 5 mile mark on Broadway in a life-hating 6:21. I didn't mean to drop off that badly but when you are by yourself, your legs have been pounding, and you had no real strategery in the first place -- these things'll happen. Heading on the last street before the final stretch, I could hear whomever had been hanging out behind me making his move. About half a mile left and this guy probably figured it was time to real this fish in. I, on the other hand, had other plans. Deriving all my power from the Sun Run 1 Bib I had been assigned, I was able to at least finish without completely falling apart (and marking my 6th mile as 6:20).
I finished in 21st place with a 38:22 (6:10 pace), over five minutes behind the winner, Pima's Carlos Rybeck -- who was no doubt using the race to send a message to Dragon spectator, Jason Colavito.
In other news, Dan Maher's 3M half-marathon performance placed him in 36th with a 1:10 performance. Word on the street is that he was shooting for a time right in there so it's good to see him performing.
Also, Dragon Jason Colavito finished 3rd in his indoor 3000m heat in Seattle, Washington on Saturday. J's 8:25 marked his indoor debut and has given the Wildcat trackster a decent start to the 2007 racing year.
Maher 1:10's 3M -- 2006 Sun Run Recap -- Sun Run 10K Results -- Mike's Race Coverage -- Sun Run 5k Results
Friday, January 26, 2007
A Break From Playing Hero

My eyes kinda sting.
Anyways, today's jaunt went fine and the knee seems to be back in check. I hope it stays that way through Sunday afternoon.
As so little has happened the past couple days (and so much will happen in the next couple days) coupled with today being my birthday -- it's true, look on facebook -- I'm just gonna make a couple notes for today's prose.
First, as you all saw yesterday, Train has officially thrown his hat into the Sun Run. After reading his thread, I went ahead and got verbal confirmation that he will be competing for podium rights in the 5000 meter race. Later in the evening, I saw a confirmation on LetsRun that Train was registered.
Second, to build on our news of other Tucson runners racing this weekend [off the reservation], 2006 SAR Grand Prix Champion (but not one of Greg Hansen's Top 103 Tucson sports figures of '06), Dan Maher will be racing the 3M Half-Marathon in Austin this Sunday. I knew this (because I had heard he would be visiting his sister out there this weekend and that is why he'd not be in the Sun Run) but when I Googled 'Austin Marathon', I kept getting results for the AT&T Austin Marathon etc -- which takes place 2/18. This is why I failed to hit y'all with this news on Wednesday.
Regardless, we wish him and Jason the best of luck with their races this weekend (J on Saturday, Dan on Sunday). The rest of you, I'll see either at the bars tonight/tomorrow night or at the Sun Run on Sunday.
Libertarian Response to POTUSSOTU -- Dan's 3M Half -- Zelda Review -- Sun Run LetsRun Thread -- Keg Registration Legislation (I oppose it)
Thursday, January 25, 2007
crash sights keep me up at night
Apologies for Sunday's outburst of ham-handed treacle. Really, after that NFC Championship Game, I could have stepped out the door and seen a hurricane coming and thought "Wow, a hurricane!!! I wonder if we'll lose the roof off of the house!!! Now, that would be something!!!" And all those asterisks spelled "BEARS" before the spacing got all messed up between the draft and the publication. Really broke my heart. I'm dumb. But yes, I will run the Sun Run 5K. I am planning on circumventing my annual Gallowalking demonstration by running the first two miles at 7:00 pace. Nothing less than God will keep me from this. I ran this morning for 20 minutes and found it really difficult. My calves are sore despite extreme inactivity. After the run I figured that might be because I stayed up most of last night eating bacon and drinking wine, leaving me dehydrated. Since resting seems to make me more sore, I figure that entering a race brutally out of shape will logically set me up for the win.
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Rock Your Body

All of Tucson would surely die.
I'm hoping the cold weather has been the reason for my 10 hours of sleep per day this week. I can't explain why, but even after a full night's sleep here, I'm still passing out for a couple hours every afternoon. I don't think I am getting sick becaues I haven't been achey or had a dry throat or anything -- so I don't know. We'll just have to wait and see.
The knee, however, I can not figure out. I mean, I had no problems Monday. Minor pangs yesterday -- and today, it has been just sore all day. I don't know but have elected to take today off in hopes of just being able to have a showing on Sunday.
In other Dragons news, I heard on campus today that Train might be competing in one of the Sun Run races. Now, I only mention this rumor enough to say that I can neither confirm nor deny it's truthfulness (another reason comments will be enabled here). At this point, however, the official Dragon line-up for Sunday will be:
10k: Lucas, Mike, Blax
5k: No Dragons representation
Still though -- the focus this week is simply the Sun Run 5/10k.
Cats in Seattle -- Too cold to snow -- Sun Run
Monday, January 22, 2007
No Fun For Anybody

The deal with the knee is that it's really just been lingering for about 3 weeks now. Usually about 3 or 4 miles into a run I'll start being able to feel something -- not pain, but a warning that it may be coming on. I've been trying to not push it too much so most of my runs have been under 6 miles.
I've been filling the extra time by continuing my work on tearing down the shed. Wednesday I got it to the ground and now it's just a matter of piecing apart the roof and then it's dumpster time. Anyways, before the shed almost collapsed on me earlier this week, I found an old box hidden back there from when I moved back to Tucson. I brought it inside and discovered some old personal artifacts. Nothing notable but I did come across a photo of me in my first ever beer mile outfit (which I'll get up as soon as I find a scanner) as well as my old running log from June through December of 01. It was the golden age of my running.
Thumbing through the log, I can honestly say I wasn't doing anything impressive -- nor was my handwriting any good. For some reason, I just wasn't very eloquent at the ripe old age of 18.

So anyays, for whatever reason, I decided to go run the V for my run on Friday afternoon. It had been raining all day but it stopped at about 3:30 and off I went. It really seemed like the premier run for me given that getting in an hour around my normal routes was going to be pretty unlikey without feeling the knee again.
As I see things, there are two ways to fix any problem in the world: good and evil. And since I had already tried menudo without effect, I figured it was time to hit the evilest damn 3.6 miles in Tucson. For some reason the building wasn't open for me to buy an 07 pass, so I just parked, got out of my car, and headed into the clouds.
38 and a half minutes (plus a few stops -- I ain't gonna lie) I was on top of this...this...this....Aggro crag (GUTS!) with the clouds beneath me, when a wind started to push them through the canyon. I gawked and headed back down. By the end I was moving 'not fast at all' (my Garmon is busted) and that night I slept like a damn baby.
A baby not wearing warm-ups.
I hadn't done the V since last spring when J and I knocked it out one day before school. I remember this occasion because so stupid cop told me to slow down when I was dropping J back off at like 7:30. He was probably just pissed we were eating bacon for breakfast.

Naturally, I was wrecked on Saturday and choked out 5 on ODC with teary-eyes. Sunday was even worse, but again, only 5. Definitely not numbers that I like to have to face down now, but it's a little late. Next time I'll just have to do better.
With the Sun Run on Sunday, this week's focus will be: (1) Keeping the knee healthy, (2) Figuring some sort of race plan to not totally erupt and go 40+ on this "pancake-flat course", (3) I just got ASU and UNC tickets online (I wrote this post while waiting for the slow-ass, flooded-ass server to process my tickets), and (4) Birthday celebrations.
It snowed last night and Train just went out for a run. I think he may have said that someone in his last post -- just not in english. He will surely die out there.
Snow = National Headlines -- GUTS -- The V makes the AZ Night Buzz
Sunday, January 21, 2007
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Five years of my faith, my suspension of disbelief regarding the idiocy of professional football functioning as a nurturing metaphor for my suspension of disbelief regarding the idiocy of my existence, five years of friendships forged in savage derision of the church league team from Wisconsin, bear enraptured witness to the singleminded seizing of momentum toward the indelibility of championship.
What could be better?
Why, only the arrival of proper running weather in my beloved desert burg. I stepped out the door to pick up a burrito and greeted the element which both hides and reveals with an immediacy unmatched for gratification. I cherish the unlikely, and right now, it is the snow-coated cars parked outside the Carousel apartments and the lighted eyes of the snake bridge being made to sneak through a white flurry. Also, my running--the cultuvation of uninhibited excellence through the inhibition of habit--once blossomed under and over the hazy slate of snowflakes before crumbling into a cold clear day of dodgy hamstrings and manic psychology. After being broken in part by the swarming consciousness facilitated by it being so goddamned temperate here, this can only be a good thing.
The only way to close this is by acknowledging that it will probably melt by morning, never to be seen again in '07. And that I'm a sentimental mess. And that I don't know how to upload images to Blogger.
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Five years of my faith, my suspension of disbelief regarding the idiocy of professional football functioning as a nurturing metaphor for my suspension of disbelief regarding the idiocy of my existence, five years of friendships forged in savage derision of the church league team from Wisconsin, bear enraptured witness to the singleminded seizing of momentum toward the indelibility of championship.
What could be better?
Why, only the arrival of proper running weather in my beloved desert burg. I stepped out the door to pick up a burrito and greeted the element which both hides and reveals with an immediacy unmatched for gratification. I cherish the unlikely, and right now, it is the snow-coated cars parked outside the Carousel apartments and the lighted eyes of the snake bridge being made to sneak through a white flurry. Also, my running--the cultuvation of uninhibited excellence through the inhibition of habit--once blossomed under and over the hazy slate of snowflakes before crumbling into a cold clear day of dodgy hamstrings and manic psychology. After being broken in part by the swarming consciousness facilitated by it being so goddamned temperate here, this can only be a good thing.
The only way to close this is by acknowledging that it will probably melt by morning, never to be seen again in '07. And that I'm a sentimental mess. And that I don't know how to upload images to Blogger.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
W/E 1/20
My running got way out of control this week--I knew I had been overtaken by a wild undiscipline on Monday when I realized that it was my third straight day of running. Anyhow:
SUNDAY--I ran 25 minutes in the morning. Doing something like running at Tumamoc, which I had the day before, tends to tilt my momentum and make me want to run the next day. I took the 5th Ave. route at a serene time of the week, which is best.
MONDAY--Clearly, it was time for a workout of sorts. Equally clearly, my capacity is not too capacious, so I did a four and a half minute warmup down to the mouth of the ODC, then engaged in a fartlek of two minutes on:three minutes off. Three times. Then I ran the four and a half minutes home. Dave and I joked that I should post it on and ask people what I can run a 10K in based on that workout. I think I'll do that, and then show you the results later.
WEDNESDAY--I ran 30 minutes after work, but I took my 5th Ave route, which I have conclusively determined is inappropriate for that time of day. While I dislike running on the Rillito, I also dislike lots of interruptions. Afternoon runs shall be kept in the relatively uncluttered direction of Drachman Stadium from now on.
SATURDAY--I got up around 8:30, replenished some fluids, then went to Tumamoc and got completely pWn3d!!!1!! (sic). Tumamoc mocked me. I took it as a sign of my depleted fitness last Saturday that I could only managed the first part of the road, then a breather, then the second part, and that was it. But this time, I Gallowalked once on the first part, then didn't even make it to the switchback without stopping and staggering. Then I stopped and staggered up to the No Smoking sign that marks the end of the next part. Then I basically prostrated myself and rolled back down to my car. I wont count this as any mileage because it was basically like going to the gym, warming up on a stationary bike and doing a few squats. I realized I need to get back to Snyder because it is a lot easier. I also realized that if you don't like Patsy Cline, I would like to fight you. I got some grocery shopping done on the way home. I'm gonna try to make coq au vin some time this weekend.
SUNDAY--I ran 25 minutes in the morning. Doing something like running at Tumamoc, which I had the day before, tends to tilt my momentum and make me want to run the next day. I took the 5th Ave. route at a serene time of the week, which is best.
MONDAY--Clearly, it was time for a workout of sorts. Equally clearly, my capacity is not too capacious, so I did a four and a half minute warmup down to the mouth of the ODC, then engaged in a fartlek of two minutes on:three minutes off. Three times. Then I ran the four and a half minutes home. Dave and I joked that I should post it on and ask people what I can run a 10K in based on that workout. I think I'll do that, and then show you the results later.
WEDNESDAY--I ran 30 minutes after work, but I took my 5th Ave route, which I have conclusively determined is inappropriate for that time of day. While I dislike running on the Rillito, I also dislike lots of interruptions. Afternoon runs shall be kept in the relatively uncluttered direction of Drachman Stadium from now on.
SATURDAY--I got up around 8:30, replenished some fluids, then went to Tumamoc and got completely pWn3d!!!1!! (sic). Tumamoc mocked me. I took it as a sign of my depleted fitness last Saturday that I could only managed the first part of the road, then a breather, then the second part, and that was it. But this time, I Gallowalked once on the first part, then didn't even make it to the switchback without stopping and staggering. Then I stopped and staggered up to the No Smoking sign that marks the end of the next part. Then I basically prostrated myself and rolled back down to my car. I wont count this as any mileage because it was basically like going to the gym, warming up on a stationary bike and doing a few squats. I realized I need to get back to Snyder because it is a lot easier. I also realized that if you don't like Patsy Cline, I would like to fight you. I got some grocery shopping done on the way home. I'm gonna try to make coq au vin some time this weekend.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Semper Fit
So it looks like I'm going to have to stick with this running thing, at least, through June. You see, today I mailed off my registration for the June 9th showing of the Mud Run in San Diego, California.
An event I missed last year because of a Eurotrip.
Eurotrip. Like the movie?
This year I was considering running in the Boots and BDU division but with registration filling up very fast and me not being familiar with the course, I opted for the conservative regular 10k route. Last year Omni and Mike went out and Omni set a course record and Mike was 6th or something I think.
I know they got trophies.
So we're gonna make a weekend out of it. If you're interested in getting involved or putting us up for the weekend, we'll leave the comments open. Space is limited and the damn thing sells out pretty quick.
Sun Run -- Mud Run -- Mud Run Registration
An event I missed last year because of a Eurotrip.
Eurotrip. Like the movie?
This year I was considering running in the Boots and BDU division but with registration filling up very fast and me not being familiar with the course, I opted for the conservative regular 10k route. Last year Omni and Mike went out and Omni set a course record and Mike was 6th or something I think.
I know they got trophies.
So we're gonna make a weekend out of it. If you're interested in getting involved or putting us up for the weekend, we'll leave the comments open. Space is limited and the damn thing sells out pretty quick.
Sun Run -- Mud Run -- Mud Run Registration
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I Wish I Had A River
I do believe the last 10k I ran was the Tombstone Vigilante Days 10k in 2001 (I can't find results anywhere for that event). I remember this race vividly because Train, Dan, my little brother, and I all drove down to Tombstone the night before and it started to rain on us. The windshield wipers were out in Blue Thunder so I remember just stepping on the gas in order to get to Tombstone faster, thus taking us out of harm's way.
When we arrived in Tombstone the town was black. Apparently the storm had knocked out the local generator or something so we just drove around through this dead-ass looking town. Then, when we did find a hotel, we were informed that no rooms were available in town do to fact that all the people who would be playing cowboy for the weekend, had already booked all the rooms a year ago.
We got back in Blue Thunder, drove out of town to Benson (or Bisbee or something) and were able to find a room. It was about midnight. We were wet and the four of us were sharing some room that looked like it hadn't been updated since the fall of typhoid.
About 5 hours later, we woke up, checked out, and drove our asses back to Tombstone. Dan wasn't competing so he offered to pace me. And pace me he a 2-mile PR in the opening 10 minutes of the race as we chased down some dudes that likely finished in around an hour.
After going out so hard in this, my first ever 10k, I settled in and suffered for the next 4 miles behind some mexican dude while almost a quarter-mile separated myself and third place. It hurt but I was pleased as we came back in the town. This was, of course, until my watch said I shoulda been done a couple minutes ago and, after following the leader, I found myself coming in through the back of the chute as the "winner" came in the front.
Apparently the last turn wasn't marked and the guy who was supposed to be directing the racers just wasn't there until a few minutes after we passed. First through third places were essentially disqualified and, to appease us, the race director gave us age-group sized trophies.

Needless to say, I've had a sour taste in my mouth about 10k's ever since.
The longest race I've ran in recent memory was last spring's 88Crime 8k in Oro Valley. The Sun Run will be all that -- plus over another mile. I was definitely beginning to tire near the end of the 8k so to think of adding another mile and a quarter to that -- and actually be 'racing' for over half an hour, well, honestly that makes me uncomfortable.
I headed out today to work on the ol' leg speed a little bit. While the past month or so has been focused on trying to establish some sort of respectable base, I figured February would be time to start incorporating faster running. But with the Sun Run coming up, I figured I'd better try to earn that elite entry Greg covered for me. So for today, I had planned to do some 6:15 pace running at the rec center today after a test review I have. Frankly, its just too damn cold out there lately and I ain't about to rip open my wang/balls just to get in 4 on the roads.
That's the other thing. I needed to get in some miles, and while I'm willing to tempo a few miles on a treadmill in order to avoid the cold (and guarantee that I am running a pace), there is no way I am putting in 7 on the rec center treadmill at 6:30 in the evening. With my luck, I'd get some prick student-employee making me get off the machine after 35 minutes because his butterface girlfriend likes the machine that I'm on because her usual elliptical trainer is broken. I'd probably argue with him, which would lead to me getting a sidestich, thus, ruining my run.
So today at about 3:30 when it was 'nice enough' out, I headed out the door. I was anxious to get to the fast portion of the day -- and it showed as I blew out the gates in 6:35. I reeled myself in for the next 4.5 miles and, after just missing brushing past the UA guys on ODC (they were turning onto Country Club and I was still coming from the east), I did a few short pick-ups and at the 2mile mark I took off.
Originally, I had planned on 3 miles at 6:30. However, since my pace for the run had been relatively brisk already (and ODC being marked for only 3400 meters), I decided to shoot for closer to 6:15 or so and take a minute recovery. I'd do two and gauge from there.
This time I would take it much easier and just concentrate on form. With a 6:15 expected, I came through 800 easily in 2:45 and let way off. Basically jogging it in, I 6:14'd the mile. My review session was coming up, so I used that as the excuse for going back home (instead of that my abs were barking) where I was able to mark up 7 miles plus a dash of workout onto the calendar.
So while I am still very unsure on how to strategically approach this race -- and while I very much understand that I am in no sort of 'peak' shape -- I am optimistic that I will at least be able to possibly contend with the top women racers at this event.
I'll leave up the comments in case, I don't know, anyone else wants to talk about the Sun Run.
Sun Run -- Tombstone Race -- 1.2 Trillion
Monday, January 15, 2007
Sunday Half Results **UPDATE**

Somehow Grossman threw a pick right after that blessed penalty and now Train is doing quite a bit of yelling/swearing (none of the big three though). Though it sounds like the recent cry for Gould means that the Bears have hit a game-tying field goal.
Anyways, during my break here, I decided to poke in and see if Shane and Lucas' marathon results were up yet. I went to LetsRun and first surfed for the PF Changs Phoenix results.
So I traveled to the USA Half-Marathon Championships results. There I saw a couple amazing points. First, Ryan Hall won the race with a 59:43. Second, Fasil "Bizzy-B" Bizuneh beat Meb for second place honors. Both of these performances impressed me.

Anyways, Lucas finished in 1:15:12 -- good for a 61st place in the Men's division and a runners beat percentage in the high 99-points. I'm not exactly sure what goal time he was shooting for but I am still pretty impressed with Lucas and hope he was pleased with his performance.
Still no word on Shane's race ...
1/15/07 Update
So official Phoenix results are in and Shane threw down a perfect 100% of women beat. An often overlooked accomplishment, Shane's 14th in his gender category was also good for 14th overall with a time of 1:14:21. In other news, Shane is 33! Just thought you should know.
Phoenix Results -- Houston Results -- Hall's Performance
Saturday, January 13, 2007
W/E 1/13
I have been all over my New Year's resolution to run less. My time not spent on running has skyrocketed. The devil of it is, though, that I have lost fitness. I wanted to enter the Sun Run 10K, cruise for five miles, then see if I could manage a substantial gear change for one mile, then another for the last 200m. Frankly, I don't think I can run 10 kilometers right now. I might try a similar agenda for the 5K, since everything is on a smaller scale for me. I think I ran 20 minutes one day this week, and it was hard. Just today, I went out to Tumamoc (because hill work is still essential to those with no fitness, or more accurately, those who want to burn a lot of calories in not much time because that's what's most important). I only made it to the end of the first switchback, then ran back down and did 10 minutes at the base. These days, if I get up early it'll be to play the piano. I will still post, though, if only to etch a record of my demise as a competitive runner and provide an example to current and future Dragons. An example, that is, of how awesome not running can be.
Week:6 miles
Week:6 miles
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Update! No one gives a damn about bigfoot!
I haven't updated for y'all in a while. I was going to the other day but then I watched that 'I Thought This Was America' clip and I've been laughing since. Here are the major points though:
In other Dragons news, Lucas will be running in the Chevron Houston Half-Marathon this Sunday. We wish him luck and hope that he sticks it to those bastards and then renounced Chevron for getting Americans addicted to foreign oil! If you happen to be getting a pair of shoes from him before this weekend, be sure to wish him luck and then tell him to update the race-board in his store.
In Dragons admin news, thanks to Bloggers recent upgrades, Blogger will serve site to other addresses. What does that mean for us? Well, a couple things. First, we will likely be moving to a URL that isn't (with no extra work for the authors). Second, as is taken, I believe it will be time for us to nail down exactly what our official name will be. Dragons track club? running club? track and field? something else? I will actually open comments on this post so that folks may offer feedback on this topic.
Finally, in pseudo-Dragons news, contract Dragon Slayer, Shane from CPS, will be running the Phoenix Rock'n'Roll...uhh....I think full marathon. I haven't talked extensively with Shane, but he seems like a very nice guy. And though he did run for the WOG portion of Dragon Slayers (who we beat) at the Turkey Trot, we still wish him great luck. Perhaps we should think about signing his ass permanently......
So there is my update. I'll try to get into more of a groove here -- just give it time.
Lucas' Marathon -- US troops out -- Rock'n'Roll Phoenix -- Last year's Rock'n'Roll Phoenix Review
- Late last week was bad, mmmkay. The knee issue that I was not worrying about became bad enough that I felt I needed to give it some attention. I shortened a couple days (including missing Sunday's brutal long run) as well as took one off. My mileage goals of resting about 50 for a few weeks quickly burnt out and I would have to guess that I ended up chalking up about 40 the week.
- With Petie gone and J back to running with his NCAA team, I am finding my running parter selection drying back up again. This will get old quite fast.
- Classes have started back up so I have taken the liberty of figuring what my running schedule might look like this semester (at least until it gets butt-ass hot in a couple months).
- Monday will be a two-run shakeout from Sunday (At least for the next month or so).
- Tuesday and Thursday will be morning workout days. No word yet on what workouts or how I'm going to figure out goal times for them. I figure step one is just to blow my legs out. I can build from that solid foundation.
- Wednesday will be a two run affair with the always luxurious Running Shop group run in the afternoons.
- Friday and Saturday will just be regular old running days. My top priority at this point is to make sure my legs have enough juice to go after Sunday's long run but I'd like to be able to start doing a better effort on Friday afternoons and just using Saturday as a way to loosen up before Sunday.
- Sunday, of course, is the long run.
In other Dragons news, Lucas will be running in the Chevron Houston Half-Marathon this Sunday. We wish him luck and hope that he sticks it to those bastards and then renounced Chevron for getting Americans addicted to foreign oil! If you happen to be getting a pair of shoes from him before this weekend, be sure to wish him luck and then tell him to update the race-board in his store.
In Dragons admin news, thanks to Bloggers recent upgrades, Blogger will serve site to other addresses. What does that mean for us? Well, a couple things. First, we will likely be moving to a URL that isn't (with no extra work for the authors). Second, as is taken, I believe it will be time for us to nail down exactly what our official name will be. Dragons track club? running club? track and field? something else? I will actually open comments on this post so that folks may offer feedback on this topic.
Finally, in pseudo-Dragons news, contract Dragon Slayer, Shane from CPS, will be running the Phoenix Rock'n'Roll...uhh....I think full marathon. I haven't talked extensively with Shane, but he seems like a very nice guy. And though he did run for the WOG portion of Dragon Slayers (who we beat) at the Turkey Trot, we still wish him great luck. Perhaps we should think about signing his ass permanently......
So there is my update. I'll try to get into more of a groove here -- just give it time.
Lucas' Marathon -- US troops out -- Rock'n'Roll Phoenix -- Last year's Rock'n'Roll Phoenix Review
Sunday, January 07, 2007
I thought this was America!
Friday, January 05, 2007
Put Your Stunna Shades On
I have always been an advocate of high mileage and truly believe the only way to develop as a distance runner is to get out there and run over 80 miles a week. However, I often neglect the fact that a build up to high mileage is not as easy as it appears on paper. In fact, I always fail to take into account how your body will react to a calculated increase of mileage.
For the most part, I adapt to mileage quite well and can handle 80 mile weeks with ease. Although, it seems that I always notice the effects of higher mileage right around the third week, and, as I expected, I became extremely wore out at the beginning of this week. Granted, my well being may have been affected by New Years Eve where I missed 3EB and Jumper but drank my fair share of beer.
Anyways, after three 13 mile plus days behind me, I not so eagerly anticipated the tempo run I had on my schedule for the evening especially after the 4 mile jog I completed in the morning. At work, I had some anxiety about the looming workout and almost pulled the plug on any type of run but once six o'clock rolled around, I knew I was at least going to run.
My run began at McKale and headed to Reid Park where I planned to do at least 4 miles of comfortable tempo on the bike path. As soon as I got to the "start line" of the path I actually felt ready to roll and just let myself glide along the path. I hit my first mile in 5:26 and then mile two in 5:26, mile 3 in 5:27 and then completed my run off of the bike path where 400 meter marks are non existent so I had no idea of the pace I was running. When I got home, I gmap'ed my run and discovered I ran 4.7 miles in 25:37 good for a cumulative pace of 5:27.
Once I was done, I was quite surprised as I felt awesome. I really held back the pace and concentrated on staying relaxed. In fact, when I ended the run, I recovered in about 30 seconds which is quite encouraging and indicative of higher volume training.
The plan for the rest of the week is to hit 80 miles in 6 days which means a long run from Mike's on Sunday and two recovery runs on Saturday.
Have a good weekend.
For the most part, I adapt to mileage quite well and can handle 80 mile weeks with ease. Although, it seems that I always notice the effects of higher mileage right around the third week, and, as I expected, I became extremely wore out at the beginning of this week. Granted, my well being may have been affected by New Years Eve where I missed 3EB and Jumper but drank my fair share of beer.
Anyways, after three 13 mile plus days behind me, I not so eagerly anticipated the tempo run I had on my schedule for the evening especially after the 4 mile jog I completed in the morning. At work, I had some anxiety about the looming workout and almost pulled the plug on any type of run but once six o'clock rolled around, I knew I was at least going to run.
My run began at McKale and headed to Reid Park where I planned to do at least 4 miles of comfortable tempo on the bike path. As soon as I got to the "start line" of the path I actually felt ready to roll and just let myself glide along the path. I hit my first mile in 5:26 and then mile two in 5:26, mile 3 in 5:27 and then completed my run off of the bike path where 400 meter marks are non existent so I had no idea of the pace I was running. When I got home, I gmap'ed my run and discovered I ran 4.7 miles in 25:37 good for a cumulative pace of 5:27.
Once I was done, I was quite surprised as I felt awesome. I really held back the pace and concentrated on staying relaxed. In fact, when I ended the run, I recovered in about 30 seconds which is quite encouraging and indicative of higher volume training.
The plan for the rest of the week is to hit 80 miles in 6 days which means a long run from Mike's on Sunday and two recovery runs on Saturday.
Have a good weekend.
Monday, January 01, 2007
In your face!

Yeah. But on the plus side, I got my first resolution for '07: No more Frees on long runs. I brought it in with blisters-a-plenty and, though I haven't given closure inspection, am sure I have at least four from Sunday's long run. Thank goodness for chocolate chip-based baked goods, I guess.
So last week closed at 52 miles in 7 days/sessions. I was again wasted from the long run but, with Vanessa Carlton playing at the Block Party in Tempe, Train and I piled into his car for the Valley of the Sun on Sunday afternoon. And, it is from this point, that I tell you all, "In your face!"
I saw Vanessa Carlton LIVE!!!! where she played recent hits like 'White Houses' and 'Half a Week Before the Winter' (a ballad about Vampires and Unicorns at war) -- but not 'Afterglow' -- as well as old hits like 'Ordinary Day' and 'A Thousand Miles'. But what was BEST was how she played FUTURE HITS from her next album, Heroes and Villains. The songs were AWESOME (maybe even better than Huey Lewis) and one of them (I regretfully don't remember what she said it was called), New Years Eve was the first time she played it publicly!! I was one of the first people to hear the song and NO ONE will believe me when it's all on the radios in '07 -- but that's why we keep the blog.

TEB fucking sucks.
Upon returning to the Old Pueblo this afternoon, I decided to drag my exhausted ass out the door for an easy siz. Fortunately, my legs didn't feel as decimated as they did last Monday, so I am optimistic that I am getting some sort of reasonable return on my training.
I haven't completely written out this week's schedule yet, but Thursday will probably be an effort so I'd like to do something solid tomorrow as well. I don't know -- I'll figure it out later.
A College Football Playoff System -- Vanessa Carlton -- What a Fiesta Bowl