Monday, January 29, 2007
Sunshine and Clouds

You gotta stick with the Sun theme.
While last year's 5k was all about aggressive tactics and representing something bigger than myself --this year was just a friendly and lyricless instrumental interlude between two of the more recognizable tracks.
This morning, Train and I left the 821 at about quarter to 8. Arriving at Reid Park, we picked up our race numbers and event tee-shirts (if you want to be sure you won't be getting some gay shirt design, run the Sun Run) before running in to Lucas. Train had to go back to the house to grab an inhaler or something so Lucas and I did a lap together.
Even with the brisk January air, I was still very tired. I got a memory-foam dealie for my birthday and last night was it's premier. Honestly, I didn't even want to get out of bed this morning.
When the RD called everyone to the line, I jogged over and took my spot in the 3rd row. I figured there was no need to be in the front -- but I learned an important lesson on Thanksgiving about being too modest when lining up. Looking around, I saw Lucas and Mike lining up near Running Shop Group Run regulars Shane and Paula. Near them was Vince Valenzuela and some Pima/Sunnyside guys. Also in the 10k race would be Mike Urbanski and 2006 Oracle 10k champion, (and seemingly nice guy), Bill Cuculic. In the 5k would be Train, Pima's Emily Edgar, and Benito Gonzales.
The gun went off and as we turned on to Country Club, I felt like I was comfortably on pace -- but looking ahead, it really seemed like I was further back from the lead group than I should have been. Regardless, I held where I was and was pleased with my decision when I came through the first mile in 5:55. About a quarter mile later, the packs began splitting onto the 5k and 10k routes and I must say that, to me, there was a frightening number of runners staying on the 10k course.
After getting on the bike path, I passed some dude in front of me and thought I was closing on some chick in front of me. I wasn't far back from her as I hit the second mile in 12:02. I spent most of Alvernon trying to move up (to at least have someone to run with/wink at) but was really beginning to feel the pace when I came through 3 miles in 18:21. I had fallen off to a 6:19 and I could tell my breathing was labored. I was losing the two people in front of me and even got passed by some dude. I tried to respond by going with him but, even though I was matching his turnover, my stride must have been shortened as he slowly drifted further from me. The 4th mile was 6:06 (I was done fiddling with the clock at this point) and just tried to focus on not totally breaking down.
I hit the 5 mile mark on Broadway in a life-hating 6:21. I didn't mean to drop off that badly but when you are by yourself, your legs have been pounding, and you had no real strategery in the first place -- these things'll happen. Heading on the last street before the final stretch, I could hear whomever had been hanging out behind me making his move. About half a mile left and this guy probably figured it was time to real this fish in. I, on the other hand, had other plans. Deriving all my power from the Sun Run 1 Bib I had been assigned, I was able to at least finish without completely falling apart (and marking my 6th mile as 6:20).
I finished in 21st place with a 38:22 (6:10 pace), over five minutes behind the winner, Pima's Carlos Rybeck -- who was no doubt using the race to send a message to Dragon spectator, Jason Colavito.
In other news, Dan Maher's 3M half-marathon performance placed him in 36th with a 1:10 performance. Word on the street is that he was shooting for a time right in there so it's good to see him performing.
Also, Dragon Jason Colavito finished 3rd in his indoor 3000m heat in Seattle, Washington on Saturday. J's 8:25 marked his indoor debut and has given the Wildcat trackster a decent start to the 2007 racing year.
Maher 1:10's 3M -- 2006 Sun Run Recap -- Sun Run 10K Results -- Mike's Race Coverage -- Sun Run 5k Results