Monday, January 22, 2007
No Fun For Anybody

The deal with the knee is that it's really just been lingering for about 3 weeks now. Usually about 3 or 4 miles into a run I'll start being able to feel something -- not pain, but a warning that it may be coming on. I've been trying to not push it too much so most of my runs have been under 6 miles.
I've been filling the extra time by continuing my work on tearing down the shed. Wednesday I got it to the ground and now it's just a matter of piecing apart the roof and then it's dumpster time. Anyways, before the shed almost collapsed on me earlier this week, I found an old box hidden back there from when I moved back to Tucson. I brought it inside and discovered some old personal artifacts. Nothing notable but I did come across a photo of me in my first ever beer mile outfit (which I'll get up as soon as I find a scanner) as well as my old running log from June through December of 01. It was the golden age of my running.
Thumbing through the log, I can honestly say I wasn't doing anything impressive -- nor was my handwriting any good. For some reason, I just wasn't very eloquent at the ripe old age of 18.

So anyays, for whatever reason, I decided to go run the V for my run on Friday afternoon. It had been raining all day but it stopped at about 3:30 and off I went. It really seemed like the premier run for me given that getting in an hour around my normal routes was going to be pretty unlikey without feeling the knee again.
As I see things, there are two ways to fix any problem in the world: good and evil. And since I had already tried menudo without effect, I figured it was time to hit the evilest damn 3.6 miles in Tucson. For some reason the building wasn't open for me to buy an 07 pass, so I just parked, got out of my car, and headed into the clouds.
38 and a half minutes (plus a few stops -- I ain't gonna lie) I was on top of this...this...this....Aggro crag (GUTS!) with the clouds beneath me, when a wind started to push them through the canyon. I gawked and headed back down. By the end I was moving 'not fast at all' (my Garmon is busted) and that night I slept like a damn baby.
A baby not wearing warm-ups.
I hadn't done the V since last spring when J and I knocked it out one day before school. I remember this occasion because so stupid cop told me to slow down when I was dropping J back off at like 7:30. He was probably just pissed we were eating bacon for breakfast.

Naturally, I was wrecked on Saturday and choked out 5 on ODC with teary-eyes. Sunday was even worse, but again, only 5. Definitely not numbers that I like to have to face down now, but it's a little late. Next time I'll just have to do better.
With the Sun Run on Sunday, this week's focus will be: (1) Keeping the knee healthy, (2) Figuring some sort of race plan to not totally erupt and go 40+ on this "pancake-flat course", (3) I just got ASU and UNC tickets online (I wrote this post while waiting for the slow-ass, flooded-ass server to process my tickets), and (4) Birthday celebrations.
It snowed last night and Train just went out for a run. I think he may have said that someone in his last post -- just not in english. He will surely die out there.
Snow = National Headlines -- GUTS -- The V makes the AZ Night Buzz