Friday, January 26, 2007
A Break From Playing Hero

My eyes kinda sting.
Anyways, today's jaunt went fine and the knee seems to be back in check. I hope it stays that way through Sunday afternoon.
As so little has happened the past couple days (and so much will happen in the next couple days) coupled with today being my birthday -- it's true, look on facebook -- I'm just gonna make a couple notes for today's prose.
First, as you all saw yesterday, Train has officially thrown his hat into the Sun Run. After reading his thread, I went ahead and got verbal confirmation that he will be competing for podium rights in the 5000 meter race. Later in the evening, I saw a confirmation on LetsRun that Train was registered.
Second, to build on our news of other Tucson runners racing this weekend [off the reservation], 2006 SAR Grand Prix Champion (but not one of Greg Hansen's Top 103 Tucson sports figures of '06), Dan Maher will be racing the 3M Half-Marathon in Austin this Sunday. I knew this (because I had heard he would be visiting his sister out there this weekend and that is why he'd not be in the Sun Run) but when I Googled 'Austin Marathon', I kept getting results for the AT&T Austin Marathon etc -- which takes place 2/18. This is why I failed to hit y'all with this news on Wednesday.
Regardless, we wish him and Jason the best of luck with their races this weekend (J on Saturday, Dan on Sunday). The rest of you, I'll see either at the bars tonight/tomorrow night or at the Sun Run on Sunday.
Libertarian Response to POTUSSOTU -- Dan's 3M Half -- Zelda Review -- Sun Run LetsRun Thread -- Keg Registration Legislation (I oppose it)