Thursday, January 11, 2007
Update! No one gives a damn about bigfoot!
I haven't updated for y'all in a while. I was going to the other day but then I watched that 'I Thought This Was America' clip and I've been laughing since. Here are the major points though:
In other Dragons news, Lucas will be running in the Chevron Houston Half-Marathon this Sunday. We wish him luck and hope that he sticks it to those bastards and then renounced Chevron for getting Americans addicted to foreign oil! If you happen to be getting a pair of shoes from him before this weekend, be sure to wish him luck and then tell him to update the race-board in his store.
In Dragons admin news, thanks to Bloggers recent upgrades, Blogger will serve site to other addresses. What does that mean for us? Well, a couple things. First, we will likely be moving to a URL that isn't (with no extra work for the authors). Second, as is taken, I believe it will be time for us to nail down exactly what our official name will be. Dragons track club? running club? track and field? something else? I will actually open comments on this post so that folks may offer feedback on this topic.
Finally, in pseudo-Dragons news, contract Dragon Slayer, Shane from CPS, will be running the Phoenix Rock'n'Roll...uhh....I think full marathon. I haven't talked extensively with Shane, but he seems like a very nice guy. And though he did run for the WOG portion of Dragon Slayers (who we beat) at the Turkey Trot, we still wish him great luck. Perhaps we should think about signing his ass permanently......
So there is my update. I'll try to get into more of a groove here -- just give it time.
Lucas' Marathon -- US troops out -- Rock'n'Roll Phoenix -- Last year's Rock'n'Roll Phoenix Review
- Late last week was bad, mmmkay. The knee issue that I was not worrying about became bad enough that I felt I needed to give it some attention. I shortened a couple days (including missing Sunday's brutal long run) as well as took one off. My mileage goals of resting about 50 for a few weeks quickly burnt out and I would have to guess that I ended up chalking up about 40 the week.
- With Petie gone and J back to running with his NCAA team, I am finding my running parter selection drying back up again. This will get old quite fast.
- Classes have started back up so I have taken the liberty of figuring what my running schedule might look like this semester (at least until it gets butt-ass hot in a couple months).
- Monday will be a two-run shakeout from Sunday (At least for the next month or so).
- Tuesday and Thursday will be morning workout days. No word yet on what workouts or how I'm going to figure out goal times for them. I figure step one is just to blow my legs out. I can build from that solid foundation.
- Wednesday will be a two run affair with the always luxurious Running Shop group run in the afternoons.
- Friday and Saturday will just be regular old running days. My top priority at this point is to make sure my legs have enough juice to go after Sunday's long run but I'd like to be able to start doing a better effort on Friday afternoons and just using Saturday as a way to loosen up before Sunday.
- Sunday, of course, is the long run.
In other Dragons news, Lucas will be running in the Chevron Houston Half-Marathon this Sunday. We wish him luck and hope that he sticks it to those bastards and then renounced Chevron for getting Americans addicted to foreign oil! If you happen to be getting a pair of shoes from him before this weekend, be sure to wish him luck and then tell him to update the race-board in his store.
In Dragons admin news, thanks to Bloggers recent upgrades, Blogger will serve site to other addresses. What does that mean for us? Well, a couple things. First, we will likely be moving to a URL that isn't (with no extra work for the authors). Second, as is taken, I believe it will be time for us to nail down exactly what our official name will be. Dragons track club? running club? track and field? something else? I will actually open comments on this post so that folks may offer feedback on this topic.
Finally, in pseudo-Dragons news, contract Dragon Slayer, Shane from CPS, will be running the Phoenix Rock'n'Roll...uhh....I think full marathon. I haven't talked extensively with Shane, but he seems like a very nice guy. And though he did run for the WOG portion of Dragon Slayers (who we beat) at the Turkey Trot, we still wish him great luck. Perhaps we should think about signing his ass permanently......
So there is my update. I'll try to get into more of a groove here -- just give it time.
Lucas' Marathon -- US troops out -- Rock'n'Roll Phoenix -- Last year's Rock'n'Roll Phoenix Review