Wednesday, January 17, 2007
I Wish I Had A River
I do believe the last 10k I ran was the Tombstone Vigilante Days 10k in 2001 (I can't find results anywhere for that event). I remember this race vividly because Train, Dan, my little brother, and I all drove down to Tombstone the night before and it started to rain on us. The windshield wipers were out in Blue Thunder so I remember just stepping on the gas in order to get to Tombstone faster, thus taking us out of harm's way.
When we arrived in Tombstone the town was black. Apparently the storm had knocked out the local generator or something so we just drove around through this dead-ass looking town. Then, when we did find a hotel, we were informed that no rooms were available in town do to fact that all the people who would be playing cowboy for the weekend, had already booked all the rooms a year ago.
We got back in Blue Thunder, drove out of town to Benson (or Bisbee or something) and were able to find a room. It was about midnight. We were wet and the four of us were sharing some room that looked like it hadn't been updated since the fall of typhoid.
About 5 hours later, we woke up, checked out, and drove our asses back to Tombstone. Dan wasn't competing so he offered to pace me. And pace me he a 2-mile PR in the opening 10 minutes of the race as we chased down some dudes that likely finished in around an hour.
After going out so hard in this, my first ever 10k, I settled in and suffered for the next 4 miles behind some mexican dude while almost a quarter-mile separated myself and third place. It hurt but I was pleased as we came back in the town. This was, of course, until my watch said I shoulda been done a couple minutes ago and, after following the leader, I found myself coming in through the back of the chute as the "winner" came in the front.
Apparently the last turn wasn't marked and the guy who was supposed to be directing the racers just wasn't there until a few minutes after we passed. First through third places were essentially disqualified and, to appease us, the race director gave us age-group sized trophies.

Needless to say, I've had a sour taste in my mouth about 10k's ever since.
The longest race I've ran in recent memory was last spring's 88Crime 8k in Oro Valley. The Sun Run will be all that -- plus over another mile. I was definitely beginning to tire near the end of the 8k so to think of adding another mile and a quarter to that -- and actually be 'racing' for over half an hour, well, honestly that makes me uncomfortable.
I headed out today to work on the ol' leg speed a little bit. While the past month or so has been focused on trying to establish some sort of respectable base, I figured February would be time to start incorporating faster running. But with the Sun Run coming up, I figured I'd better try to earn that elite entry Greg covered for me. So for today, I had planned to do some 6:15 pace running at the rec center today after a test review I have. Frankly, its just too damn cold out there lately and I ain't about to rip open my wang/balls just to get in 4 on the roads.
That's the other thing. I needed to get in some miles, and while I'm willing to tempo a few miles on a treadmill in order to avoid the cold (and guarantee that I am running a pace), there is no way I am putting in 7 on the rec center treadmill at 6:30 in the evening. With my luck, I'd get some prick student-employee making me get off the machine after 35 minutes because his butterface girlfriend likes the machine that I'm on because her usual elliptical trainer is broken. I'd probably argue with him, which would lead to me getting a sidestich, thus, ruining my run.
So today at about 3:30 when it was 'nice enough' out, I headed out the door. I was anxious to get to the fast portion of the day -- and it showed as I blew out the gates in 6:35. I reeled myself in for the next 4.5 miles and, after just missing brushing past the UA guys on ODC (they were turning onto Country Club and I was still coming from the east), I did a few short pick-ups and at the 2mile mark I took off.
Originally, I had planned on 3 miles at 6:30. However, since my pace for the run had been relatively brisk already (and ODC being marked for only 3400 meters), I decided to shoot for closer to 6:15 or so and take a minute recovery. I'd do two and gauge from there.
This time I would take it much easier and just concentrate on form. With a 6:15 expected, I came through 800 easily in 2:45 and let way off. Basically jogging it in, I 6:14'd the mile. My review session was coming up, so I used that as the excuse for going back home (instead of that my abs were barking) where I was able to mark up 7 miles plus a dash of workout onto the calendar.
So while I am still very unsure on how to strategically approach this race -- and while I very much understand that I am in no sort of 'peak' shape -- I am optimistic that I will at least be able to possibly contend with the top women racers at this event.
I'll leave up the comments in case, I don't know, anyone else wants to talk about the Sun Run.
Sun Run -- Tombstone Race -- 1.2 Trillion
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I think you left out the part about the ornery local in the dark parking lot who seemed like he wanted to beat Dan to death with his giant flashlight just for asking directions.
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