Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Run and tell the angels that everything's alright

But, like I said, this isn't where I rant about this topic. Instead, it's where I actually do update (though be rarely) about my training. In fact, tonight you are in luck because, while I never really planned on updating, I took a nap earlier and this led to a late dinner so I am waiting another 20 minutes for my stomach to settle before I hit the asphalt trails tonight. So, for this update, I offer you a little good news and little bad news. I'll alternate in hopes of making my business seem in balance.
Good: I still haven't quit. Making it through an entire semester is a pretty big accomplishment. Granted, my runs are still hovering around the 30 minute mark but that's something.
Bad: I did miss quite a few runs the last couple weeks. I am currently in the midst of finals season (my last exam is Thursday afternoon) and things have just been hectic. Also, the project I am on at work is about rapping up so I find myself leaving for work at 5:30 some mornings -- and the dys I don't go to the site, I might en up getting 5:45 am phone calls from foremen asking me if we were getting concrete that morning. My reply is usually that I am young so their best bet would be to check their email because I emailed them the day before about these kinds of issues.
Good: I've started doing more (because ANY>Zero) cross-training. I didn't used to do any but I went to my first drill a few weeks ago and realized that my new unit is just foaming to give me a fitness test. I guess it's reasonable to expect drill sergeants to do like 40 pushups in two-minutes without rest. I think my old record was like 49 back when I was in basic training. Kinda sad, I know, but I always ace out the run and sit-ups. Besides this, it looks like I am going to have to go to a two-week course this summer which would also require me to pass a fitness test.
Bad: I think I am still a fat ass. I don't have a scale but I sure don't feel any less fat. I guess this could go either way because chicks really claim to "like my personality the most." Regardless, my current push-up count is a struggling 31.
Good: Schedule -- I feel good about opening up and getting in more miles this summer. I have gone against past training-by-fire principles and instead chosen to play a conservative build-up this time. While I can't compete in shit right now, I feel healthy and am not concerned about upping the mileage/dropping the pace/laying the pipe.
Bad: As I mentioned above, work starts at 6 so fitting in a daily run as the temperatures soar is going to become a little more difficult. I'd say my work schedule is what killed my running last summer and I am looking to keep that from happening again.
Good: After this project wraps up in the next few weeks, I've received word that I may not be moved to the Silverbell project. This suggests that I might get a cush office position working in the bid room. I am optimistic that I may get this gig as it could lead to a 7am start time, an A/C office that is less than 10 minutes from home, and access to a treadmill (we have a gay little 'gym' at the office).
So, that gives you a little update of what is going. I still have no races planned but in many sense I kinda feel like Arizona Phil -- mons expecting to ever get a social security check.
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Women, girls, teenagers and younger, Darrel Jenkins in his insatiable
lust had never been able to get enough, but both this enticing creature
and her mother had peaked his sadistic and lecherous passion too long
not to be savored to the fullest. He'd planned their seduction for
three years, when this magnificent golden creature before him had been
no more than twelve and he'd first laid eyes on both her and her mother
at a bank staff family picnic, then carefully cultivated and groomed
their avaricious father-husband into his compromised position ... until
now, the palatable culmination of all his efforts was about to be
fruitfully reveled in.
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lust had never been able to get enough, but both this enticing creature
and her mother had peaked his sadistic and lecherous passion too long
not to be savored to the fullest. He'd planned their seduction for
three years, when this magnificent golden creature before him had been
no more than twelve and he'd first laid eyes on both her and her mother
at a bank staff family picnic, then carefully cultivated and groomed
their avaricious father-husband into his compromised position ... until
now, the palatable culmination of all his efforts was about to be
fruitfully reveled in.
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