Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Run and tell the angels that everything's alright

But, like I said, this isn't where I rant about this topic. Instead, it's where I actually do update (though be rarely) about my training. In fact, tonight you are in luck because, while I never really planned on updating, I took a nap earlier and this led to a late dinner so I am waiting another 20 minutes for my stomach to settle before I hit the asphalt trails tonight. So, for this update, I offer you a little good news and little bad news. I'll alternate in hopes of making my business seem in balance.
Good: I still haven't quit. Making it through an entire semester is a pretty big accomplishment. Granted, my runs are still hovering around the 30 minute mark but that's something.
Bad: I did miss quite a few runs the last couple weeks. I am currently in the midst of finals season (my last exam is Thursday afternoon) and things have just been hectic. Also, the project I am on at work is about rapping up so I find myself leaving for work at 5:30 some mornings -- and the dys I don't go to the site, I might en up getting 5:45 am phone calls from foremen asking me if we were getting concrete that morning. My reply is usually that I am young so their best bet would be to check their email because I emailed them the day before about these kinds of issues.
Good: I've started doing more (because ANY>Zero) cross-training. I didn't used to do any but I went to my first drill a few weeks ago and realized that my new unit is just foaming to give me a fitness test. I guess it's reasonable to expect drill sergeants to do like 40 pushups in two-minutes without rest. I think my old record was like 49 back when I was in basic training. Kinda sad, I know, but I always ace out the run and sit-ups. Besides this, it looks like I am going to have to go to a two-week course this summer which would also require me to pass a fitness test.
Bad: I think I am still a fat ass. I don't have a scale but I sure don't feel any less fat. I guess this could go either way because chicks really claim to "like my personality the most." Regardless, my current push-up count is a struggling 31.
Good: Schedule -- I feel good about opening up and getting in more miles this summer. I have gone against past training-by-fire principles and instead chosen to play a conservative build-up this time. While I can't compete in shit right now, I feel healthy and am not concerned about upping the mileage/dropping the pace/laying the pipe.
Bad: As I mentioned above, work starts at 6 so fitting in a daily run as the temperatures soar is going to become a little more difficult. I'd say my work schedule is what killed my running last summer and I am looking to keep that from happening again.
Good: After this project wraps up in the next few weeks, I've received word that I may not be moved to the Silverbell project. This suggests that I might get a cush office position working in the bid room. I am optimistic that I may get this gig as it could lead to a 7am start time, an A/C office that is less than 10 minutes from home, and access to a treadmill (we have a gay little 'gym' at the office).
So, that gives you a little update of what is going. I still have no races planned but in many sense I kinda feel like Arizona Phil -- mons expecting to ever get a social security check.