Thursday, March 27, 2008
Don't let it be wrong, don't let it be right

On the plus side, there is experience. Notably, enough comebacks under this size 42 belt to know that things won't stay as bad as they seem the first few days. Likewise, I understand just what a bitch pain in the ass I have ahead of me just to get to the 18-flat mark.
Plus, my experience makes me anxious to get back to a level at which I am not completely embarrassed to be seen running.
So while I do not know much about what is 'right' in terms of training -- especially coming down to specifics like workouts and goal times etc -- I generally know what is considered wrong. I know you shouldn't do three workouts, back-to-back-to-back each week. I know you shouldn't brush off the long run. I know of the 15% rule (which Train says is the 10% rule but I don't have that kind of time). I know about shoes, surfaces, and basic effort levels. And all that I do not know, I can look up in any running book from the 1970's and comprehend what the author is saying.
But still, I guess you could call cramming for races my vice. I know I shouldn't do it. I know it's probably not exactly productive -- but it's just something I try to do to make up for my habit of getting hurt/slacking off as races come near.
I crammed for the Turkey Trot a couple years ago. It didn't help.
Shoot -- now that I look back on my history of running, I think my first ever sub-2:00 800m (it was in a relay but I am confident it was legit) came after skipping the last day of practice because I was trying to flirt it up with the dark lady.
But I've never been one to listen to reason. After all, some things may seem moronic but are absolutely correct. This is why, as I know I should be running for consistency and time right now (and I have been) -- I plan on cramming for an April 5,000m run & walk that is coming here in a couple weeks. Now, I will make it clear right now that I don't plan on winning this race. Heck, I don't even know if I can get under 21. But it seems like a good time so I'm going to give it the ol' college try.
But this will all start Monday as our final rugby match of the season (2 pm at Chapparal Park against Scottsdale, if you are in the area) is Saturday, Renfair on Sunday, and then it's on to my hybrid "base-building con 5k taper" phase.