Wednesday, May 02, 2007
Aches and Pains

After Monday's being stopped before even being out the door, I tried again last night. Over 48 hours of rest (and worry) for the foot, I thought, would have given it time to work out whatever kink was in it (it doesn't feel like a bone thing -- it feels like an odd cramp thing). I was incorrect and I'm glad I didn't force myself through anything last night.
So, yeah, this is a drag.
Now, apparently, that mouse I caught a couple weeks ago, is back (or there was just more than the one). I've decided to move on from trying to catch it to just straight up poisoning it. What? Mice don't have souls. I'll add it to the list of things going wrong that I plan to make right...with poisoning.
Anyways, I'm sort of pissed that this means I won't be running the 10k race on Sunday. But then again, it also means I won't have to drop $30 I don't have to run a rough ass course that takes a up a chunk of my long run route. I may still go watch though. I'd like to see how people approach this race -- maybe for next year.
So that's the update. We'll let you know how things are coming in a couple days.
J is going to India -- Sidewinders win in bottom of 10th -- 5 de May Race on the 6th
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Thats a bummer about the foot. Get that shit better so we can mud run it up come June.
I think I too will be at the Cinco de Mayo 10K as a spectator.
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I think I too will be at the Cinco de Mayo 10K as a spectator.
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