Wednesday, April 18, 2007
So far, so good

So yesterday I woke up, had some tea and clicked around Fark, and then headed out the door. I brought my new racers just to give them a little break in period. I'm a firm believer in training in flats before trying them out in a race situation. Not necessarily for everyone, but it eases my mind from worrying about a pair of shoes during my races -- because I sure don't need the extra stress. My destination was Tucson High School (less than half a mile from my house). Arriving at the back entrance, I found that this gate -- which is even left open in the summer -- was locked. After a verbal WTF? I ran around to the main entrance and, through the Badgers' ghetto-ass courtyard, I was able to reach the track.
This was my first time on the track since I tried to cram a couple workouts in before the Turkey Trot last November (where I went on to run 18:43 and not even score for Dragons). THS had their track redone a couple years ago and it's much nicer than I remember. Though I only ran there once in high school (Apr 21, 1998 -- I anchored our 4 x 800 to an 8:38 victory -- L4WL) , I remember that at about 80 meters down the first turn there was a spot where sprinkler would always water down the track. So in that one 15 meter section, their track had a definite bounce. I applaud the school's decision to install new water-free facilities (they also have that fake grass stuff in the infield. It's kinda slippery but definitely beats any grass outside of Arizona Stadium).
Apart from the quality track and convenient location (you know what -- I also ran an all-comers meet there once and lost to a couple old black guys in the 100m) THS's track is kinda cool because it sits down in their stadium. Obviously, this is their old architecture as no one these days would execute such a simple and classy idea -- but it still adds a little to the atmosphere.
Anyways, after finishing about 10 minutes of warmup (I was just anxious to Git-R-Done) I began my workout. 2x1000, 2x800, 4x400 with half-distance jog recovery. The 1000s were do be done in 3:25 and, 800 into the first one, I realized I had jacked my math and brought in a 37 to make the first one on time. I hit the second in 3:22 and was glad that this part was over. I'm not especially fond of 1000's (I am so picky -- no wonder I suck) but I did enjoy 500m recoveries.
Onto the 800's. With 2:42 goal times, this was only a second per lap faster pace. These definitely required some focus though and, my form and all, I brought in a 2:42 and a 2:41. With only the 400's left, I was getting anxious to get home. With a goal time of 80, I was definitely noticing the shorter recoveries, but still managed 78's before changing my shoes and heading back home. I began thinking and was surprisingly glad that the school hadn't applied any new security measures that would prevent me from working out on their track before 7 in the morning.
Exiting back out the gate, I was greeted by the droves of greasy-haired, cologne-soaked teens talking about the hip hop music as well as the latest talking picture playing at the cinema. I had gotten out of there just in time.
This evening in the Running Shop group run at 6:15.
Dr. Phil Blames VaTech on Video Games -- Apparently, Iraqi leaders fail to understand the physics of explosions -- Some 2A Track Coverage
I wrote this before breakfast this morning. But, now, as I sit down with my breakfast burrito, I feel the need to make it public that Hickman Farms eggs suck. I bought a dozen eggs yesterday and this morning I opened the carton to find only 11 eggs sitting in the carton. Now, yes, I understand that it isn't that hard to open a carton of eggs at the store and check for missing/cracked eggs. And every other time I've ever bought eggs (Fry's brand, notably -- but this week Hickman's was on sale and I thought I'd go ahead and support local eggeries), I have knocked out this ritual. Yesterday, however, I thought that my lifetime perfect odds would be good enough to carry me. I guess I was wrong.
Yes, I am taking this especially hard. As you all know, I am not a morning person so I don't like to wake up on Wednesday's finding out that I just got screwed by The [Hick]Man. Still, I got a 11 cent score to settle -- and those 11 cents belong to me! Never again will I purchase local anything. From here on out, it's Wal-Mart, big oil, GM, Disney, and anything else to stick it to the Ma and Pop Hickmans of the world!
Seacrest out!