Saturday, April 21, 2007
Spring XC Classic 2007
Or whatever.
Either way, in your face, Phil!
And I actually did kinda have fun at it until I saw the results this morning.
Waking up at 5:30 yesterday, I could hear the rain coming down. I had a very outdoorsy day planned and rain could definitely put a.....wait for it....damper on my plans. About 7 I texted J, who was working the race, to ask if it was still on. He replied that it was and almost immediately I could hear the rain stopping.
I drove down to the course in time to catch the start of the womens race. The course did look a lot less threatening this year as the rain appeared to pack the areas that were normally full of soft sand. I asked J about this but he explained that there would be 'a lot of fucking heel-strikers' in the first race who would surely break up the packed areas. With that in mind,I warmed up and headed to the line. The usual faces filled the start and I decided that I would go ahead and just try to go out in about 5:50 then move around from there.
Before the start, Levario pointed out that next to 'sex' on my bib, Dan had written, "M-ish". I thought it was pretty funny and that sort of put the whole day into perspective. It was all supposed to be about having fun. You know, getting some cocktails. starting a fire in someone's kitchen. So Dan yelled "Go!" (It is Tucson's budget XC race) and everyone was off. For being a course that's won in high 16's some years, I thought the lead guys were taking it out pretty hard and I wanted to no part in that. Hanging back, I ended up running the first mile with Levario. We came through the first mile in about 5:44. I felt pretty relaxed still but realized that we were pretty much alone for quite a ways.
We started to move up and picking off the straglers who had fallen off the lead pack, only managed a 6:00 for the second mile. This honestly surprised me as I thought I was keeping a pretty constant effort. I think it may have been the rolling stuff at the start of the second mile that really slowed me down. It was just past the second mile marker -- and the next time up the hill -- that I was passed by two dudes. I tried to hang on with them but pretty much realized that they had been chilling behind me for the last couple K and had let me do the work with just this situation in mind.

I did a short cooldown with Shane -- this year's champion -- and, unable to stay for Tecate and other social funness, headed home to work on the fence until 6 last night. It was a pretty full day and I'm finding myself pretty sore tonight. Fortunately I'm doing alright on miles so I'll do my run this afternoon.
I don't really have any pictures from the race. Sorry.
Hall, 2:08:24 -- Having attained perfect test scores and an excess budget, schools now focusing on decor -- Race Results