Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Hump Day

I'm trying to do a better job of updating here.

Monday evening was 7 miles along the Santa Cruz. This time I headed south and realized that there is actually quite a bit of trail along the river so I enjoyed my run in the darkness. I was all alone out there -- except for some old guy on a squeaky Huffy who was smoking a cigarette. I passed him while I was on the trail off the path but when they merged, he pedaled up behind me and we chatted for a bit. He told me how he used to run distance.

I almost quite right there.

But then we hit a downhill and I had no choice other than to drop him and that was that.

Yesterday was going to be my second edition of my fartlek. I went out and did four in the morning just to make sure I was loosened up or whatever. Then the night rolled around and the next thing I knew, it was damn 10:30 and I wasn't about to go do a workout then. I pushed back my alarm for this morning then. Surprisingly, I was up and ready to go when it sounded and those good feelings lasted through the entire run. In fact, I'm debating whether to make this workout more difficult next week because today just seemed to go too well.

So that brings us to this moment. I'm sitting at 19 miles for the week with the 10k group run this evening. I understand that they set some sort of record last week, cruising at around 6:40 pace -- so I am hoping that doesn't become the case this week because I use that run as a recovery. Period.

Since the fartlek got pushed to this morning, I do hills on Friday and the long run on Sunday.

Top Tucson TF Marks -- Fellow Salpointe 2001 grad, Karen O'Hagan won her Sabino Sunset Run age group -- 4/21: DMRun148 Presents the Spring XC Classic

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