Tuesday, April 10, 2007
...but the riot inside moves on

Well, relative to everything else, I guess...
There is also going to be some sprints in the grass. These have to be mid run so I'll probably go ahead and knock them bitches out at Himmel Park (assuming there still is grass there).
Anyways, as you can guess, this marks a further phase (of sorts) into my training. Honestly, recent weeks have had definite pros and cons. On the plus side, I feel like I've been able to progress and perfect the workouts assigned, which is always encouraging. I've also stayed (until my knee started aching this morning) injury free to date. The cons, however, have been that I've been unable to get my mileage past 55 or my long run past 13. It just seems that, by the end of the week, I just need a break somewhere and that usually results in a slow and unwanted 5 on Saturdays just to be able to give Sundays a go. Also, of course, have been some pretty disappointing race performances. Definitely because of the time, but more because of my lack of competitiveness in these races.
Still though, I'm very pleased with my training. Because of this (and because there appears to be no team competition this year) I'd been playing with idea of skipping the Spring XC Classic in a couple weeks (Grand Prix points and all). At this point, I'm just not very excited about taking a cycle-down week and missing a workout just so I can race on some slow course in the heat (though I do think the beer garden is pretty good). Last year I 19:something'd that race as my knee injury was flaring all the way up and I just didn't have a very good experience.
I know that everyone else -- well, at least Mike and Lucas (who is running 2 races this weekend) -- is racing quite a bit, but I don't know if that's what I need right now. No doubt, I need more races -- but I need more smart races. So I don't know -- we'll see, but at this point, I'm thinking I might just go ahead and wait until the Cinco 10k to ease off for a week.
Anyways, thats' my update.
Phoneline may be open by the end of summer -- Jeff Dodge edged out by Dan Beaver at the Tillman Run -- Friday Night Kristen Yoder 5000m at Sabino