Tuesday, March 06, 2007
"Time waits for no man" - Young Jeezy

Yesterday at noon I went out for take two of the 20 minute tempo run at 6:20. After last week's introduction where I went out five seconds fast and fell to being ten seconds slow on miles two and three, I'd been instructed to not take it out too fast and just focus on going out in 6:20. Once done, I had to then focus on simply not falling off (sounds pretty easy).
The weather this week was warm and though I still felt a little fatigued, I was very optimistic about this workout. Checking my watch at the 0.5 mark, I saw that I was right on pace. Continuing down Broadway, I misjudged where the mile mark was and ended up going too easy as I hit a 6:24. After a punishing 2nd mile in 6:19, I found myself more concerned about my parched mouth than my heavy breathing or sore core section. A series of surges and an old guy trying to move on me after I passed him (with authority, as is Sebastian Blax's #1 rule of running) highlighted a 3rd mile in 6:21. Close enough for me, I continued to the 20 min point and stopped.
Trudging back to the start to get my shirt, I couldn't help but feel disappointed in my workout. Running most of it, essentially, on pace I was still hounded by that first mile. I understand that this was my chance to improve the workout -- and I did -- but I had high hopes of hitting 'perfecting it' a week early. So I trudged home and drank like an entire blender of smoothie just to cool down. I don't want to jump the gun here, but I'd say we're quickly approaching that time of the year where I stop bitching about the cold and start bitching about how it's too damn hot to run.

In other news: uniforms are in the works. Unfortunately they can't screen print over seams so the Brooks Running Shop jerseys can't be done. I'm going to have my yellow top from the Sun Run done up and, I think, my white long-sleeve dri-fit shirt. I just think it'll look tight. Supposing we supply our own jerseys/shirts/etc, it's going to sit at under $10 per piece. Also, we have to get a dozen pieces done (or it shoots to like $25 per item) so, like all good financiers, I'm using this opportunity to expand Dragons apparel to interested candidates in womens, masters, and recreational joggers with money to blow on gear divisions. Also, I'll probably just get a few tees done up as well. They are gonna be fashionable all with dragon off on the shoulder and shit.
So anyways, if you want one done up or whatever, let me know and I'll get on it.
Heroes and Thieves -- I Luv It -- UA is getting new jerseys too