Thursday, March 15, 2007


News From San Francisco

We managed to hack into a neighbor's wireless so I thought I'd go ahead and bring y'all up to date. I have this week off so I've taken the opportunity to drag my ass out to SF for a few days. So far I've yelled at some beatniks, talked to some gays, and ridden a bus crammed full of Chinese people (Stop the Invasion!).

Also, I had some jerk chicken. I believe I will start just jerking everything I cook at the 821 from now on.

Runningwise -- I closed out last week with the unfortunateness of having to do my hill workout (10 x 90 secs) and long run (12 miles) on back to back days. After Sunday's easy run, where I tried to pull down some recovery, I totaled out the week at 49 miles (the Schedule called for 45 to 50). Because I left on Monday night, I was supposed to do my final session of the 20 minute tempo before taking off but after my internship interview turned into an all-day affair, I got in zero runs.

Then I also missed Tuesday. None of this was planned, I had just arrived late and we were doing stuff from the crack of dawn until late that first night. Plus, I wanted to get aquainted with the city. I found that this really did not matter as I went out yesterday morning, turned the wrong way, and ended up at the intersection of Cesar Chavez Blvd and Guerro Street. I knew that this was not where I should have been -- and I still hadn't found water -- so I ran back to where I started for 50 directionless minutes. Today ended up being a lot better as I ran the 'correct way' and found the Embarcadaro in about 10 minutes and pulled it out for an 80 minute run along the bay.

I'm enjoying running here but along with the sightseeing, my legs are feeling quite trashed at this point. I had considered trying to fit in the hill repeat session (or the tempo session if I could find a marked path somewhere) while I was here but now I'm thinking that this isn't such good idea. Really, I only have tomorrow left so I'll probably just do another 45+ minuter and then get the hell out of dodge and back on track next week.

Ya know, in case you were wondering.

Also, Mike will be racing the 5000 at Willie Williams this weekend. If you are there, definitely cheer our representing Dragon on.

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