Friday, March 02, 2007
Cold Day in the Sun

To clear up a point from Train's post (like his writings ever need clarification), here is the deal with this Sirleaf bitch. You see, Theo, the other day I was walking through the living room and Train was sitting there watching his standard CSPAN2 and this chick was sitting there at some UN conference (or some other boring CSPAN event) reading some poem. And not a poem that seemed fit for the UN, no, it was some kind of Where the Sidewalk Ends bullshit. And, of course, she was reading it all dramatically and, along with her headgear and dark skin, I thought it was Maya Angelou. Then it popped up on the screen that she was some sort of state leader. Hence, the quote.
So trainingwise, here is the deal....
Wednesday's run went surprisingly well as I expected to be still pretty roughed up from Tuesday's "First Workout in Ages!". Unfortunately though, scheduling issues prevented me from getting out and doing my 7 that was prescribed for yesterday. This has proven to be rather disappointing from my point of view as one of our agreements was that I could benefit from simply getting out the more than two to five days a week I had been running. Still, there was no reason to dwell so I decided to split those miles between today and tomorrow's runs so that I might still hit the 45 planned for the week.
So this evening, I fought the cold (about 65 degrees) and the wind (about 4 MPH SW) and dragged myself down to ODC. I wanted to go to the River but didn't feel like fighting 5 o'clock university traffic to make the 6 mile drive in half an hour. The schedule had me down for 6-8 easy miles. About a mile and a half into the run, I was already contemplating how I could get these necessary miles without having to put in all this running. No answers came to mind and a little internal coaxing turned 6 into 7, and 7 into 10 -- finishing out with a few relaxed sub-7's really turned the table on the groggy start of the run. I swear, sometimes it feels like need half an hour just to warm up. I think I'm starting to understand why many good runners start out around 8 mins and drop down as the run progresses.
Anyways, with only the weekend left, I'm still a little in mileage debt but with the Sunday block of the schedule simply reading, "10+". I'm using this for some leniency to catch-up and end the week on a positive note.
Sketching in Stereo -- Stanford BBall = Food Poisoning -- Spam = Meat