Sunday, February 25, 2007
Darlin', Tramps Like Us....

But hey, what can you really ask for? We don't even have uniforms yet.
My bad.
So anyways, since the last update my running week was nothing too exciting. After last Sunday's race, I was honestly pretty disgusted with my recent running efforts. The Sun Run was the last race I'd actually been feeling alright about and I knew that my training was generally directionless and, for that matter, useless.
I would have sat around and dwelled on this matter and likely quit again, but last week I was pretty busy with statistics tests, engineering fairs, and internship interviews. Then I spent this weekend drinking with the Koury boys and chowing on massive turkey legs at the Renaissance Fair. It was cool too. At the joust to the death, our knight was a total dick (he was French) and he was taking all kinds of cheap shots all stabbing people and then he threatened to kill the king.
Naturally those bastards at the fair wouldn't let that happen so the English knight whipped out some dagger and strategically thrusted that bitch into my knights heart or whatever. I was pissed -- but I guess they wouldn't make much money by having an 'Overthrow the corrupt-ass ruling body Fair'.
So the whole point of me telling you that was to explain why I wasn't in attendance for the Dave's ALS 5k at the Foothills Mall this morning. To pretty much get an idea of what did happen, read Mike's account of it. His wife, Kiera took a bunch of photos and put 'em on an online album. I was gonna steal 'em for our sidebar but that just seems like some sort of blatant copyright something or other -- so I didn't.
But back to me...
Hey -- if you wanna read about Mike, go visit Mike's blog, alright? I ain't his damn press secretary. as I was saying, I've got a new training program that I am putting a lot of faith in and I'm excited to see where it takes me. It definitely requires patience, but given that runners supposedly don't peak until their late 20's, I'd say I got the time. After a weekend of a couple jogs around Kiwanis park in Tempe, my 'first day' is tomorrow. I hope it goes well.
YMCA Results -- New Chad Vader Episode -- Dave's ALS Results