Monday, February 05, 2007
Amber Alert -- Mud Run

Mr Blax -- as one of our top finishers last year, we are happy to grant your request. We also look forward to receiving the registrations of Mr Levario and the rest of your party. The Mud Run is pleased to have such strong runners showing to our event.The RD didn't mention some kid whose pal was talking mad shit to J after the womping he laid on the field last year. I don't know the story -- maybe he can elaborate.
The other night I was talking to Mike Levario and he suggested we form some sort of team for the Mud Run team competition. The team competition, for those of you who are not familiar with the race, requires all five of your team members finish at the same time. I guess it's one of those leave no man behind and keep fighting till you can say no man died in vain things. Frankly, I think we'll all be up top in results and any team we put together would just be devastating to the competiton. I didn't really agree with forming a team for the race on these grounds. Then I thought about the fact that J -- who might be shooting at another CR for the Mud Run -- would have to wait for us and wouldn't really be allowed to run his race. I continued to object to the idea but told Mike that, if we could get the necessary people to agree, I would do a team competition.
Then I got to thinking that we simply might not have 5 people. J, Mike, and myself are only 3. I know Lucas knew of this event but I forgot to ask him the other day if he was interested in coming. Still -- we'd be a man short and I think we'd need to get the team registration handled within the next week. I had all but written off the idea of a tem this year until about 45 seconds ago.

Anyways, all YOU need to take away from this is that if you plan on being part of Dragons Presents: Mud Run Trip 2007, get your registration done (you can do it through off the race page) because the June 16th registration will surely be filling up soon.
I'll go ahead and leave comments open in case you want to let us know if you got registered/want to do a team.
Mud Run -- Active Registration -- DRC (Assholes)