Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I still haven't finished up planning this week. Between weather, school, and other misc's -- yeah, I just haven't gotten around to it. I'd say my current position is best summed up by last night's conversation with my soccer teammate, Alex Coomer:
magelin56: hey
magelin56: whats up?
blaXar 2: I'd like to hear about you getting in a fight at a Prodigy concert in germany
magelin56: it was in the czech republic
magelin56: in brno...the city i was in for the whole time
magelin56: it was in this old communist community center area
magelin56: i was late getting into it bc i got drunk and lost on the way...so, i showed up on my own and had a little bit of hash which i had bought from african drug dealers in milan the weekend earlier
magelin56: bc i walked in late, didn't respond to the cops and shit when they asked me questions in czech, they searched me but didn't get me in trouble about the hash which was weird
magelin56: anyhow, i go in...feeling awfully lucky and go to stand in line to buy beer
magelin56: some random guy hands me money, says something in czech which i understood as to buy him beer...i buy him beer, he gives me a little baggy of weed...that made me happy
magelin56: then, as prodigy finally starts im pretty drunk/drugged up and it is prodigy in the some po-dunk ex-soviet community center so it was getting pretty rough
magelin56: randomly a big bald fucker hits me in the back of the head...i assume it was part of the danceing/jumping/what not but i hit him back...
magelin56: he clearly noticed it was me and came after me jumping through the crowd flailing at me
magelin56: he falls, stands up and tries to head butt me but misses...swings and barely catches me jaw...then we get seperated by some random polish friend i knew
magelin56: from that point on it was pretty peaceful bc i proceeded to smoke all the drugs i had acquired
magelin56: it was way east europe i thought...i dont even like prodigy
magelin56: it is really hazy bc of all the alcohol and stuff though