Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Petie's Back!
Still, according to the Sebring, it was only 41 out when I pulled up to the elementary school at the end of Mountain. I jogged around a bit and was stretching when Petie pulled up in the 4 Runner. My favorite thing about Petie's family is that they aren't letting this whole gas-price/environmentalism nonsense get to them. Sweet lookin' 4 Runners are just that -- sweet lookin' -- and meant to be shown off by driving them around with only the driver and no passengers or cargo.
So we ran down the River and discussed training -- both new and old -- and talked about our old Salpointe days. Recently, the Star named Malisa Carino (SCHS '00) coach of the year and, apparently, they won a state XC title or something. I don't really know as I don't keep up on high school action too much. Then we got to talking about how this mornings paper is reporting that Salpointe will begin mandatory drug testing of all its students. I'd read the article and, while I didn't think much of it, I figured it would really get a bunch of people who were not graduates/parents at the school all worked up.
Frankly, I think if Mike Urbanski supports the policy -- then it's golden. The man has never steered my wrong once and, besides, I can't think of an arguement against it if the parents dont fucking care.
Then we headed back and now I have to get back to studying.
Reminder: tomorrow, Running Shop Group Run at 6:15 (someone correct that in the comments if I am wrong) followed by Dragons at Old Chicago. I will be drinking.
Salpointe to Drug Test -- Carino is Coach of the Year -- Carino's Girls Win State XC