Friday, December 08, 2006


Out With a Whimper

Don't write a check with your mouth that your body can't cash, or so goes the old saying. There will be no Tucson half marathon for me on Sunday, the body simply cannot deliver and the brain is afraid that the attempt would do far more harm than good. Dan will win a well-earned victory in the SAR Grand Prix and I will have to actually pay for races again. Dan beat me all but one time when we raced head to head this year, and I honestly hope he gets the time he's shooting for on Sunday. . .even if it's a minute faster than I've ever run for the distance.

I finished 36th at the California International Marathon. I was first Dragon and placed just ahead of the second woman, who drafted behind me and another runner for most of the race. I was hoping to break 2:35, but I ended with a 2:37:32 after running the first half in 1:17:09 or so. If this positive split indicates suffering during the last three miles it should, as it took all I had to keep running 6:20, 6:40 and finally 7 minute pace for those miles.

While racing shorter distances does provide a thrill, the marathon is just such a cruel and difficult race that I can't let it go.

Best of luck to everyone this weekend, sorry I won't be in the parade.

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