Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Peak Load

That's what my mystery coach has been calling the past week. I'm four weeks out from the marathon and three from the Turkey Trot, so the hard work is now. Here's how the week went down.

M: 10 easy
Tu: 10, goofy intervals with Lucas of 2K, 800, 2K, 800 with big recoveries. 6:43, 2:34, 6:37, 2:30
We: 11 easy with Lucas
We: 7.5 w/Lucas and a short stint with Randy. Ran up a parking garage
Th: 10 miles with 7 at 5:59 pace
F: 25 with last 5 at 6:14 pace
Sa: 10 miles super easy
Su: 10 w/5x800 in 2:32, 2:34, 2:31, 2:32, 2:33. Skipped the 6th one
Total: 93 miles

The 25 miler on the heels of 7 miles of marathon pace was a big boost for me, and I'm at that annoying point in my training (for others, that is) when I'm really starting to roll. The big hitch this week is my wife is out of town, so I'm left to fend for our young with only my wife's mother-in-law to help while I'm at work. I'm realizing just how little I do around here as a result, which I suppose is a good lesson.

By the time the Trot comes around things should be looking good. Intervals with Lucas have been going well, and a mean 12-15 mile marathon time trial on Sunday will really show me where I'm at.

Have a good week.

Your wife's mother-in-law would be your mom.
It's a complicated family thing. You see, through marriage I'm my own grandpa. This is what happens when I post while checking election results.
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