Sunday, November 05, 2006
Grand Prix Standings

With the recent 10-Miler being finished, SAR has updated the standings with only 2 races left. I understand how the battle for top 3 placing is definitely peaking many folks' interests. Leader Dan Maher is holding a 26 point lead over Salkowski with the Thanksgiving 5k (a race that, frankly, I think these two will be close in) and the Tucson Marathon/Half-Marathon (an event that, if the both race -- I haven't heard either say they will be running it -- would likely see Salkowski finish first). It's all very exciting really. I forsee lots of jockeying for position in the final month or so of the Grand Prix here. Afterall when there is, whatever you get for first place, on the line it's no wonder people race as hard as they do.
I think the award for the Grand Prix winner should include rights to wear the Michelob Ultra 1 Bib through 2007. Maybe it could be yellow or something so that individual stands out as the defending champion. Just a thought.
Anyways, while I was checking out the Dragons Facebook page the other day, I saw that we had a new member join the group, Michael Levario. Levario, according to his Facebook page, is a LIBERAL -- which means he probably SUPPORTS AMNESTY!! Also, Levario is a member of both Crotch Mesh Athletics and Cutters TC. So what does this have to do with the Grand Prix standings? Well, check this, Hannity...
Levario, until the 10 miler a couple weeks ago, had been holding 2nd place in the 20-29 age group division. With only two events (The Fine Valentine 5 miler -- a race I think should be removed from the GP -- and the Cinco de Mayo 10k) under his velt, Levario had racked up 74 points -- 46 points less than age group leader, Dan Welsh.
Who is Dan Welsh then? You got me. Based on his appearances this year, I wouldn't surprised if the dude had moved to Alaska. He has been a sitting duck since the summer but, with Levario running no races, Welsh has continued to hold the age group throne.
Now given that the age group winner gets 40 points per race, Levario was definitely within striking distance. Just finishing the 10 miler, Turkey Trot, and Tucson Marathon would have no doubt given Levario group honors. Instead, with his most recent no-show at the 10 miler, a three event competitor, James Billington, has emerged as the new #2 20-29 year old! Bringing his 87 points to the table, Billington is looking like the most likely suspect to knock Welsh off.
It would seem that the best 20 to 29 year old runner in Tucson is being springboarded by a 1:17-flat, 167th place Get Moving Tucson 10-miler performace. So, while everyone else is watching the leaders battle for overall points champions, I will be watching the studs of the 10 to 29 year old age group pound it out for relative dominance.
Dragons Facebook -- Grand Prix Standings -- Salkowski's Blog