Friday, November 17, 2006
Go Obed!
The calves still aren't recovered from Tuesday's little track session. I blame it more on the spikes than on the workout -- but, regardless, the results are the same. Yesterday's run was an am hobble down ODC parkway that never really got started. Yeah it was cold. Yeah I was sore. But mainly, I just couldn't stay focused after seeing UA harrier and All-West Region Team member, Obed Mutanya, running on our blessed ODC for the second time this fall!
Obed looked pretty relaxed with his long-sleeves and Arizona beanie as he headed west on the parkway. I figured his run must have started some time around 6am. As we came up on each other, we exchanged headnods and continued. I wanted to tell him nice job at Regionals (where he was the top Wildcat finisher, I believe). I wanted to wish him luck at Nationals -- both for his own psyche as well as letting him know that I wasn't just some dude out running who didn't appreciate Tucson's running representatives and was only out doing 8:15 miles on ODC because I had a rough flag-football game the night before and I needed to 'get loose' for tonight's match. Unfortunately, I had my music on pretty loud and I didn't want to be getting all Ron Burgundy on him at 6:45 in the morning, out on ODC parkway where there isn't another running sould for miles...
I'm hoping to get in a couple mile warm-up, the workout, a cool-down and be at Bumsteads, pounding my Guiness before the thirst even sets in.
Obed -- Cats are off to Nationals
Obed looked pretty relaxed with his long-sleeves and Arizona beanie as he headed west on the parkway. I figured his run must have started some time around 6am. As we came up on each other, we exchanged headnods and continued. I wanted to tell him nice job at Regionals (where he was the top Wildcat finisher, I believe). I wanted to wish him luck at Nationals -- both for his own psyche as well as letting him know that I wasn't just some dude out running who didn't appreciate Tucson's running representatives and was only out doing 8:15 miles on ODC because I had a rough flag-football game the night before and I needed to 'get loose' for tonight's match. Unfortunately, I had my music on pretty loud and I didn't want to be getting all Ron Burgundy on him at 6:45 in the morning, out on ODC parkway where there isn't another running sould for miles...
YOU CAN USE MY OFFICE 'TIL YOUR DESK WILL BE READY!!!And so I said nothing. A giddy fan, I let my heart get to my head and I blew the moment, yet again. Which brings us to this mornings run (Friday's are great because I don't have my 8am class so I can sleep in a little). A casual 5 miler, it took a bit for the blood to get to my legs butI was happy by the end. The calves are still pretty sore but there is no more time to be babying them. I have tapering-workout II this afternoon after my chemical engineering test and I already know that the spikes will be staying in the closet for this one. This time, more and shorter reps at a bit faster pace are the prescription.
I'm hoping to get in a couple mile warm-up, the workout, a cool-down and be at Bumsteads, pounding my Guiness before the thirst even sets in.
Obed -- Cats are off to Nationals