Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dragons will be on display tomorrow at the Thanksgiving Cross Country Classic. Race time is 9:15 at Reid Park. Obviously it won't be 78 degrees or above -- so it'll still be cold, but at least it shouldn't be 'ball-freezing cold' (I'll share that story some other time). You can track the changes in the phases of ice as the race goes on with the phase diagram provided in this post.
Goodness, I really hope there are no major changes in the Tucson's atmospheric pressure during our 5k or I may end up DNFing because I will be a frozen man a la James Taylor.
So if you come -- might wanna wear a jacket. And maybe some mittens.
My cat's name is Mittens.Alright, sorry, I'm waiting for Omni to call me. Apparently, I forgot to register for the race so I'm gonna roll with him to the Running Shop so I can get my shit squared away.
So anyways, I'm excited for the race here. Petie got in last night so our whole squad is now in town. That's always a start. We're meeting this afternoon for a little 'team run' at Reid Park. Just a little stretching, handing out the interim uniforms (Nike sucks -- I think we should be an RBK squad), and whatnot. I feel like I have a winning (not in the literal sense of the word) strategy with my 'Go out hard and hang on for dear life' approach and I am especially relieved to have a reliable group of guys leading us in the race (literally).
However, this just brings back bad memories my Pima days when I finished as our 5 guy and we lost the conference championship by 3 points. Trust me -- it was on me. Our top guys were like way up front...and then there was me -- couldn't even pick off two guys -- couldn't even knock 30 seconds off a dismal 29 min 8k performance. Not this time though! No siree...cuz we also got Petie and they only score the top 4!
Dude -- I have a video from a high school track race where our team took 1st, 3rd, and 4th places and then some dude from another school (probably cheering for the 2nd place guy) is heard saying, "Yeah! Top 4 baby!" I mean, what the hell is that?
The many phases of water -- Mike took a day off!! -- Turkey Trot