Monday, October 30, 2006


Who is This Guy?

I'm the old guy on Dragons. While Omniscient is breaking 25 minutes and chasing down the number 5 guy on his team, I'm often found wiping baby bottoms and comparing the nitrogen content of fertilizers at Home Depot.

Regardless, I do run, and I try to do so in the mold of Arthur Lydiard's training. While it may look like I'm training for the California International Marathon in December, that's just an excuse to throw the other teams off of my real goal. Yes, it's all about the Turkey Trot and representing for the Dragons. I was called in as a sub last year for Dragons after a mild flesh-eating virus knocked out some members of the "A" team, and I had so much fun that I've succumbed to begging to be made a permanent member of the team this season.

Anyway, I figured I'd try to give a quick weekly rundown of where I'm at with the training; just enough to make my presence known without stepping on any toes or distracting anyone too much. Unless something goes seriously wrong you can count on me running every day, and I've just started what is supposed to be my "fast" three week phase of training. Here's how it went down.

Monday: 8 easy, broken down from the 10 mile race the day before
Tuesday: 14 moderate
Wednesday: 10 miles in the morning, with 8x600 (first time on the track since May), did most at 1:52-1:53, then 6 miles easy in the evening
Thursday: 8 miles moderate in the morning, 4 easy in the evening
Friday: 12 miles pretty easy
Saturday: 10 miles with 7 at 6:08 pace
Sunday: 21 miles with 10 at 6:43 pace and 8 at 6:00 pace. Tough run.
Total: 83 in 9 sessions

Maybe next week will be faster. Later.

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