Wednesday, October 04, 2006


No Use For a Name

I don't have much time to update so here is a recap of the week thus far.

On Monday, after a 5 mile morning run, the legs felt prepared to run a 6 mile tempo but my body didn't feel to great at all. Before I really knew what was going on (you will find out later), I assumed that my allergies were just acting up causing me to feel somewhat sick. Basically, I was having flu like symptons (sore muscles, ect.) and blamed them on allergies.

Anyways, the tempo run went good but not great. I ran a hair under 33:00 for the six miles and felt like I wasn't straining too much at all which is a good sign. However, once I finished the workout and was in the middle of my cooldown, I was stricken with some stomach pains that led to a little diarrhea which I imagined was the result of a hard effort in the heat.

So, after losing a sock at the riverpath, we drove back to McKale where I had to use the bathroom at least 5 more times in 30 minutes. At this point, I knew something was a amiss but still believed my woes were created by a hard effort.

After I was home and still had to make many trips to the bathroom, I finally realized that I was sick with some type of stomach bug. That night (monday), I think I got up six times to use the bathroom leading to basically no sleep at all and, more than likely, some major dehydration not to mention loss of trace minerals and the such.

On Tuesday morning, I felt worse than the night before so I decided that school was not in the books for the day. So, I just slept, shit, and watched TV until around 3:00 when I forced myself to go to the one class I have that takes attendance. I also threw in my running gear just in case I felt so inclined to get in a few miles.

I survived the class without a trip to the bathroom so I decided to make an attempt at a run. One trip to bathroom at Reid Park and 50 minutes later, I battled and knocked out a recovery run.

On Wednesday morning, we met at the warning track to do some "short intervals" which actually totalled 7K. During the workout, I was setting pace for the group until the last one where I just tanked hardcore. It was quite pathetic but I think it had something to do with my prior few days (at least thats what I told coach).

Today, the schedule called for an easy 7 to 9 mile jog which I completed in an hour which, thinking back, probably was a little too fast. Anyways, I gotta take off for class.

Hey, I had a case of that! (The diarrhea, not the 5:20 miles). Hope you're feeling better. So that's what trace minerals smell like?
I am guessing on the trace minerals here. Although, based on the number of times I went to the bathroom, I had to lose something the body values. Was your stomach upset after Run n Roll? I have reason to believe the free food after the race was the culprit.
No problems here, but I only had an eegees and a bagel. Haiden ate 6 cookies and surprisingly she was fine too. Thanks again for looking out for her.
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