Tuesday, August 22, 2006


On Broadway (On Broadway)

I went out this morning with the intention of trying out a little more minimalism. I had no real reasoning for this and I wouldn't have been surprised if the run had ended with me hobbling three miles home with an injury that would keep me from training for three more months.

Fortunately, it didn't turn out that bad.

Still, I wasn't too impressed with my performance. Coming home down Broadway at 10 in the morning (it's alright, it was very overcast this morning) I could literally taste the exhaust. It was quite disgusting and I promtly crossed over to 10th in order to get away from the pollution.

I don't know how people eat lunch at those places on Broadway with patios. Notably, I think of that place -- I think it might be named Elle -- on the corner of Country Club and Broadway. The tables are like right on the street. It just seems like your sandwich would taste like exhaust pipe there.

Anyways, finishing up my 50+ minuter, I was starting to regret my decision to wear some orange, silver, and black DS Racers. Not because my legs were any more tired (though I did notice the show switch by the end of my run) but because I was tired and, sadly, the dude trotting through by neighborhood at like 8 min pace wearing loud racing shoes.

Also, I got that damn collarbone cramp thing again today. So annoying.

Today: 54 mins in one run. I still have no endurance or speed.

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