Thursday, August 24, 2006


I Can Feel the Heat Closing In

As I completed my round of errands on this, the first day of my working vacation, I came to one undeniable conclusion: my right Achilles tendon is flaring up again. I am a weathered and wizened old man now, and I am determined not to push through a bunch of cynical, piss-drained training that will evenutally go to waste as I hobble around bitterly, grumbling about tendonitis. What's more, I greet this as a blessing, since a fundamental condition of being a runner is living a miserable life. Can't start a fire without a spark, gotta burn to shine. The Subcommittee on Budget and Appropriations convened today, broke for grocery shopping and a back waxing appointment, re-convened over dinner, and adjourned about an hour ago. They had a good day--I was happy with their production--but I will present to them tomorrow my research on the feasibility of joining the YMCA to use their pool. I want to get in better shape--pretty much solely for aesthetic purposes--and I think that getting the blood flowing around without the impact will be necessary to a speedy recovery. I also want to get myself clean and have a good meal.

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