Tuesday, August 15, 2006


Grass. It's Not Just For Smoking.

Today was the second day in the last four that I yogged on down to Himmel Park, yogged around with no shoes on, and yogged home.

It was really something wild.

Running around in the grass is really something else. I haven't really been training in flats or spikes this year. Partially because I'll run to like WOG -- for example -- and it's not reasonable to carry shoes with me. But lately (the past few months), it's been because I am trying to keep this knee injury/recovery in check and just don't care to risk it.

Now I find myself running in these Asics Nimbuses and it takes a couple minutes to get total balance and groove after taking those off and beginning to run in the grass. It's the same story when I head home on the roads -- after about a half-mile, I still find that my stride isn't smooth. Maybe it just isn't as smooth as running barefoot on grass so it just feels clunky.

Of course, this is all pretty relative given that my pace is prolly at about 7 mins (give or take 15 seconds...I hope). I should really start trying to drop the pace but, I don't know, I just haven't had the motivation. I feel like I should get the miles up first then worry about it -- even though I know I should be working on both (even if in seperate sessions).

Oh well, on the way home I was about half-mile from my house and some guy was jogging down the street all tired, his shirt draped over his hunched body like a wet towel. I took this as prime time to test my own, personal, number one rule of running.

And I passed with authority.

50 mins. 20 on grass. All man.

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