Thursday, August 17, 2006


Everyone's a voyeurist, they're watching me watch them watch me right now

Over the past 37 days, the exact point I started tracking my mileage this summer, I have run 416 miles and have take exactly one day off. So, I have averaged 11.5 miles per day or approximately 80.5 miles per week. I certainly contribute my increased productivity (in terms of running) to relocating to my new abode adjacent to the Riverpath. Granted, running on a flat dirt trail becomes monotonous, but, you must remember, finding such an expanse of soft packed trails in an urban environment is next to impossible so I really shouldn't complain.

Anyways, yesterday, Dylan and I did a morning run in the rain of 4.5 miles on, of course, the Riverpath. Because the eastside received 2.5 inches of rain an hour before we began the run, the river was flowing in a torrential fashion which made the run enjoyable.

In the evening, Dylan and I met Eric and Kenny for a moderate run in and around Reid Park. Much to my dismay, the pace slowly picked up during the course of the run to a very comfortable 6:00 pace. This was not what I wanted to run today as I had just blasted the Yetman loop 24 hours previous so recovery was on the mind. Although, I stuck it out and felt decent most of the run. According to google maps, we covered 10.4 miles in 64 minutes to bring us to about 6:09 pace for the duration.

Today, I passed on a morning run and will opt to do an easy 8 in the afternoon with the team. This is my last real day of summer as our first official practice is tomorrow. So, I guess this training blog will evolve into look inside Arizona Athletics.

How special.

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