Saturday, July 29, 2006


Rain, rain down. I think it's going to rain, rain down

Right now, in Tucson, we are experiencing weather foreign to the desert--heavy rain. This morning, when I woke up, I realized that it was cloudy out but did not know that it was raining. So, I checked to see what was going on outside and the site reported Tucson was in the midst of some "severe thunderstorms" which, apparently, is code word for heavy rainfall.

Anyways, the run for the morning was a moderate 50 minutes on the riverpath. Overall, I felt fine but was forced to run on the pavement the whole way based on the fact the dirt was far too muddy to run on.

This afternoon, I am going to put in 5 more miles on the path and call it a day. Then, as mentioned yesterday, I will be running at least 15 miles to put me at a solid 80 for the week which is not too bad considering I only put in 2 a days twice this week.


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